Chapter 14. Rolling Updates, Scalability, and Quotas
In this chapter, we will explore the automated pod scalability that Kubernetes provides, how it affects rolling updates, and how it interacts with quotas. We will touch on the important topic of provisioning and how to choose and manage the size of the cluster. Finally, we will go over how the Kubernetes team tests the limits of Kubernetes with a 5,000-node cluster. Here are the main points we will cover:
- Horizontal pod autoscaling
- Performing rolling updates with autoscaling
- Handling scarce resources with quotas and limits
- Pushing the envelope with Kubernetes performance
By the end of this chapter, you will have the ability to plan a large-scale cluster, provision it economically, and make informed decisions about the various trade-offs between performance, cost, and availability. You will also understand how to set up horizontal pod auto-scaling and use resource quotas intelligently to let Kubernetes automatically handle intermittent fluctuations...