Chapter 12: Alerting
We spend so much time as data consumers working to make sense of data. Increasingly, technology is allowing us to turn that dynamic around and make the data work for us. A major way of putting data to work is through alerting technology. Alerts allow continuous monitoring of data, looking for conditions to be met, crossed, removed, and created or have failed. A well-thought-through alerting strategy can be more impactful on business performance than a great dashboard. In fact, an argument can be made that the main reason to have a monitoring dashboard is to automate alerts. People intuitively know what to alert on but lack the technology to execute it. The Domo ecosystem provides the data capture and alerting technology to enable us to implement automated alerting and discover what others are alerting on.
In this chapter we will specifically cover the following:
- Defining an alerting strategy
- Understanding the Alert Center
- Setting alerts on a...