Figures in talks, posters, and publications look much nicer if they are not overloaded with unnecessary information. You want to direct the spectator to those parts that contain the message. In our example, we clean up the picture by removing ticks from the x axis and the y axis and by introducing problem-related tick labels:

Figure 6.13: The completed example of the amplitude-modulated sine function, with annotations and filled areas and modified ticks and tick labels
The ticks in Figure 6.13 were set by the following commands. Note the LaTeX-way of setting labels with Greek letters:
ax.set_xticks(array([0,pi/2,pi,3/2*pi,2*pi])) ax.set_xticklabels(('$0$','$\pi/2$','$\pi$','$3/2 \pi$','$2 \pi$'),fontsize=18) ax.set_yticks(array([-1.,0.,1])) ax.set_yticklabels(('$-1$','$0$','$1$'),fontsize=18)
Note that we used LaTeX formatting...