- access modifier / C# Addendum
- acripts
- adding, to game objects / Time for action – making the hands and tray follow the mouse
- aEmptySquares array / What just happened – making a list, checking it twice
- AI
- about / Computers that think
- logic steps / Shut your trap
- Alpha Centauri / Trapped in your own skin
- angled paddle / A keep-up game for robots
- AngryBots Demo / Fight Some Angry Bots
- Animation clip / Time for action – animate the bouncer
- Animation view / Time for action – I like to move it move it
- arguments / Educated guesses
- Arkanoid / The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- Artillery Live!
- URL / Artillery Live!
- about / Artillery Live!
- core mechanism / Artillery Live!
- skin / Artillery Live!
- feature set / Artillery Live!
- skinny, on multiplayer / The skinny on multiplayer
- additional features / The skinny on multiplayer
- Asteroid Base
- about / Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
- Audacity
- URL / Sound
- Awake function / Still time for action – changing the clock text color
- Ball GameObject / Lick it and stick it
- basis
- knowing / Need-to-know basis
- BEDMAS / Time for action – Log the New Number
- Bezier / What just happened – holy hospital rampage, Batman!
- about / What's the catch?
- URL / Sound
- Big Fun Racing
- about / Big Fun Racing
- billboarding
- about / Time for action – bombs away!
- Blender
- about / The wonders of technology!
- URL / Graphics
- Blurst / Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
- URL / I bent my Wooglie
- bounce
- adding, to game object / More bounce to the ounce, Time for action – make the Ball bouncy
- tweaking / Time for action – tweaking the bounce, What just happened – storing velocity
- track, keeping / Time for action – keeping track of the bounces
- bouncer GameObject
- animating / Time for action – animate the bouncer, What just happened – red and raging
- moving / Time for action – I like to move it move it
- Break-Up game
- particle system, adding / Time for action – bombs away!
- particle system, poking / Time for action – poke those particles
- spark material, adding to particle system / Time for action – creating a spark material
- Prefab, creating / Time for action – prefabulous, What just happened – what's a Prefab?
- brownstone model, setting up / Time for action – lights, camera, and apartment
- character, adding / Time for action – adding the character
- animation, registering / Time for action – registering the animations
- character script, creating / Time for action – scripting the character, What just happened – stepping through the "step" code
- Collider Component, adding / Time for action – open the pod bay door, Hal
- Rigidbody Component, adding / Time for action – open the pod bay door, Hal
- Rigidbody Component, adding to character / Time for action – collision-enable the character
- Collider Component, adding to character / Time for action – collision-enable the character
- bomb script, creating / Time for action – apocalypse now?
- particle system, creating for explosion / Time for action – go boom
- DestroyParticleSystem, creating / Time for action – kill kill murder die
- explosion, handling / Time for action – the point of impact
- explosion, testing / Time for action – hook up the explosion
- beer steins, adding / Time for action – amass some glass
- particle system, creating / Time for action – create a particle system, What just happened – getting smashed
- particle system, setting with sharper-edged texture / Time for action – make it edgier!, What just happened – I fall to pieces
- particle system, placing into Prefab / Time for action – contain the explosion, What just happened – duped?
- FallingObject script, creating / Time for action – let's get lazy, What just happened – FallingObject: The PuppetMaster
- game objects, colliding / Terminal velocity is a myth – bombs fall faster, What just happened – when game objects collide?
- game objects, tagging / Time for action – tag the objects, Time for action – write the collision detection code
- collision detection, coding / Time for action – write the collision detection code
- characters animation, interrupting / Time for action – animation interrupts
- facial explosion, adding / Time for action – add facial explosions, What just happened – raindrops keep 'sploding on my head
- sound effects, adding / Time for action – make some noise
- sound effects, adding to FallingObject script / Time for action – add sounds to FallingObject
- sound effects, importing / Have a go hero – sound off
- sound effects, creating / Have a go hero – sound off
- sound effects, modifying for same event / Time for action – mix it up a bit
- score points / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- timer, adding / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- players success, determining / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- game levels / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- health points, creating / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- unlit bombs, catching / Have a go hero – filling in the gaps
- C# Addendum / C# Addendum
- Bump Map
- about / What just happened – understanding Materials
- using / What just happened – understanding Materials
- Bust-A-Move or Puzzle Bobble / The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- C#
- advantage / It's all Greek to me
- C# addendum / C# addendum
- C# modifiers
- public / C# Addendum
- private / C# Addendum
- protected / C# Addendum
- internal / C# Addendum
- camera rig
- setting up / Time for action – set up the camera rig
- card-flipping function
- building / Time for action – building the card-flipping function, Time for action – building the card-flipping function
- Cartoon Network television / FusionFall
- character rig / Time for action – adding the character
- CheckFor2InARow function / What just happened – the search is on
- CheckForWin condition
- checking / Nice moves
- CheckForWin function
- using / What just happened – hunting for a win
- ChuChu Rocket! / Walk before you can run (or double jump)
- class / A capital idea
- ClickSpace function / Time for action – the final bug
- ClickSquare function / Here comes the drop, On deaf ears, Time for action – add computer control
- clock
- script, preparing / Time for action – preparing the Clock Script
- text, preparing / Time for more action – preparing the clock text
- text color, changing / Still time for action – changing the clock text color
- font texture, changing / Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material, Time for action – what's with the tiny font?, What just happened – was that seriously magic?
- code, preparing / Time for action – preparing the clock code, What just happened – that's a whole lotta nothing
- countdown logic, creating / Time for action – creating the countdown logic
- time, displaying on screen / Time for action – displaying the time on-screen, What just happened – what about that terrifying code?
- size, shrinking / The incredible shrinking clock
- pie clock, building / Keep your fork – there's pie!, How they did it
- clockIsPaused variable / Have a go hero – rock out with your clock out
- ClockScript
- C# Addendum / C# Addendum
- code
- examining / Examining the code
- need for / Why code?
- animating with / Animating with code, What just happened – what witchcraft is this?
- cleaning up / Codesplosion
- refactoring / Clean-up on aisle code
- unpacking / Unpacking the code
- consolidating / Time for action – code consolidation
- encoring / Code encore, Summary
- code examination
- about / Examining the code
- mesh renderer component, searching / Time for action – find the Mesh Renderer component
- ball re-appearing, Mesh Renderer component used / Time for action – make the ball re-appear
- Code Hinting / A leap of faith
- competitor
- catching / Time for action – to catch a competitor
- Component / One Script to rule them all
- computer control
- adding / Time for action – add computer control
- ComputerTakeATurn function / Time for action – add computer control, Herpa derp derp, Time for action – code consolidation, Time for action – programming fallibility
- console / Examining the code
- Console statements
- enabling / Time for action – listen to the paddle
- content
- versus features / Features versus content
- about / Time for action – create and link a custom GUI skin
- custom Materials
- adding, to models / Time for action – material witness, What just happened – understanding Materials, Have a go hero – adding materials to the other models
- Cylinder primitive
- using / Time for action – boy O boy
- 2D array referencing
- creating / Time for action – pretty maids all in a row, What just happened – order!, Winner is coming
- 3D cameras
- about / Cameramania
- handling / Cameramania
- 3D Sound
- about / Silent 'Splosion
- 3D Studio Max
- about / The wonders of technology!
- datatype variableName / C# Addendum
- Debug.Log() function
- used for listening to paddle / See the matrix, Time for action – listen to the paddle
- deck-building function
- setting up / Time for action – preparing to build the deck
- delegating
- about / What's the catch?
- deltaTime property / Educated guesses
- Diablo III / Features versus content
- Diceworks
- about / Diceworks
- DisappearMe Script
- about / Lick it and stick it, Disappear me!
- viewing / Lick it and stick it
- C# version / C# Addendum
- DoCountdown() function / What just happened – that's a whole lotta nothing, Time for action – displaying the time on-screen
- DrawTexture method / Time for action – Flex those GUI muscles
- Electronic Arts
- about / Why choose Unity?
- Explode() function / What just happened – eat lead
- Exterior-L / Detecting the tri-corner trap
- FallingObject script
- creating / Time for action – let's get lazy, What just happened – FallingObject: The PuppetMaster
- sound effects, adding to / Time for action – add sounds to FallingObject
- sound effects, adding to / Time for action – add sounds to FallingObject
- Fallout 3 / The siren song of 3D
- FBX import scale settings
- changing / Time for action – changing the FBX import scale settings
- features
- versus content / Features versus content
- Flashbang Studios / Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
- flip n' match memory game
- prerequisites / From zero to game in one chapter
- match, detecting / Game and match, What just happened?, Time for action – comparing the IDs, What just happened?
- flip n'match memory game
- random card shuffle, performing / Do the random card shuffle, Time for action – preparing to build the deck
- floor
- creating / Time for action – bottoming out
- font texture
- creating / Time for action – creating a font texture
- for keyword / The anatomy of a loop
- Fortran
- about / Introducing Unity 3D
- free development tools
- Blender / Graphics
- GIMP / Graphics
- Paint.NET / Graphics
- BFXR / Sound
- Audacity / Sound
- function
- about / It's all Greek to me
- using / You'll never go hungry again
- Update / You'll never go hungry again
- naming convention / What just happened – we've gone too var
- function declaration
- best practices / With great sandwich comes great responsibility
- FusionFall
- about / FusionFall
- URL / FusionFall
- building / Should we try to build FusionFall?
- game
- without features / A game with no features
- making, Unity used / 'Tis volley
- complexity, reducing / Slash and burn!
- features, reducing / Slash and burn!
- orientation / Origin story
- scene, saving / Time for action – save your scene
- paddle, adding / Time for action – add the Paddle
- testing / Time for action – test your game, Let's get physical
- game authoring tool
- about / Introducing Unity 3D
- game engine
- about / Introducing Unity 3D
- game file / Time for action – deploy your game
- game graphics
- obtaining / Time for action – grabbing the picture clock graphics, What just happened – you can do that?
- game grid
- centering / Finding your center
- centering, vertically / Time for action – centering the game grid vertically, What just happened?
- centering, horizontally / Time for action – centering the game grid horizontally, What just happened – coding like a ninja
- game ideas / That little lightbulb
- GameObject / Gone, but not forgotten, Why code?, What just happened – red and raging
- game object
- creating, Unity 3D primitives used / Creating the ball and the hitter, What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- renaming / Time for action – rename the Ball
- moving / Time for action – move the Ball Into the "Sky"
- measurements, changing / Time for action – shrink the Ball
- Rigidbody component, adding to / Add physics to your game, Understanding the gravity of the situation
- bounce, adding to / More bounce to the ounce, Time for action – make the Ball bouncy
- scripts, adding to / Time for action – making the hands and tray follow the mouse
- games
- learning / One percent inspiration
- re-designing / Have a go hero – redesign your favorite games
- inspirations / Toy or story
- game sene
- lights, adding / Time for action – add a light
- lights, moving / Time for action – move and rotate the light, Have a go hero
- lights, rotating / Time for action – move and rotate the light, Have a go hero
- Game window
- about / The Game window
- about / From zero to game in one chapter
- GetCentre function / Time for action – begin at the end
- GetComponent command / What just happened – building a more complex lock
- GetEmptySide function / What just happened – I'm running out of trap puns
- GetPlayer function / What just happened – hunting for a win, What just happened – the search is on
- GetRandomEmptySquare() function / Time for action – begin at the end
- URL / Graphics
- Grand Theft Auto game / The siren song of 3D
- Gran Turismo / Features versus content
- grids
- about / Down to the nitty griddy
- Grigon Entertainment / Should we try to build FusionFall?
- GUI.BeginGroup() function / The incredible shrinking clock
- GUI.EndGroup() function / The incredible shrinking clock
- GUI techniques
- using / Time for action – Flex those GUI muscles, What just happened – how does it work?
- GunBound / Artillery Live!
- Half-Life / What's a Mesh?
- hallwayLight Prefab / Time for action – turn on the lights
- hallway model
- using / Time for action – haul in the hallway
- second camera, creating / Time for action – meet me at camera two
- main camera, adjusting / Time for action – adjust Main Camera
- Mesh Renderer / Time for action – deck the halls
- Mesh Filter / Time for action – deck the halls
- lights, turning off / Time for action – turn on the lights
- HandsAndTray GameObject / Time for action – making the mesh colliders convex
- Hand tool / Scene controls
- hashtable grid
- creating / Time for action – hash it out
- Head-up display (HUD) / Heads up!
- HeartBounce script
- creating / Time for action – create the HeartBounce script, What just happened – charting a collision course
- Heart Game Object
- creating / Time for action – getting your heart on
- Hierarchy panel / The Hierarchy panel, Time for action – X marks the spot
- Hoagie() function / You'll never go hungry again
- I Dig It / Possible additional features:
- I Dig It Expeditions / Possible additional features:
- img argument
- modifying / Time for action – modifying the img argument, What just happened?
- Import button / Time for action – make the Ball bouncy
- Importing package dialog pops up / Welcome to Snoozeville
- import statement / A matter of great import
- in-betweening / What just happened – red and raging
- InMotion Software / Possible additional features:
- Inspector panel / The Inspector panel, Add physics to your game, Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material, Time for action – making the mesh colliders convex
- used, for rotating player / Heads Up?
- installation, Unity Web Player / Time for action – install the Unity Web Player
- Instantiate command / Time for action – add facial explosions, Time for action – code consolidation
- int.ToString() method / What just happened – what about that terrifying code?
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) / Time for action – write your first Unity Script
- Interior-L / Detecting the tri-corner trap
- interpolation / What just happened – red and raging
- iOS App Store
- about / The iOS App Store
- isPastHalfway variable / Time for action – writing the pie chart script
- iterative loop
- anatomy / The anatomy of a loop
- JavaScript
- advantage / It's all Greek to me
- differentiating, with C# / It's all Greek to me
- keep-up
- about / The many faces of keep-up
- Keyframe / What just happened – red and raging
- Kongregate
- about / Kongregate
- URL / Kongregate
- layout dropdowns / Layers and layout dropdowns
- League of Legends / Walk before you can run (or double jump)
- LightingRig GameObject / Time for action – turn on the lights
- lights
- adding, to game / Time for action – add a light
- moving / Time for action – move and rotate the light, Have a go hero
- rotating / Time for action – move and rotate the light, Have a go hero
- turning off / Who turned out the lights?
- toggling / Darkness reigns
- light types
- Directional light / Have a go hero
- point light / Have a go hero
- Spotlight / Have a go hero
- Ambient / Have a go hero
- lose condition
- adding / Time for action – adding the lose condition, What just happened – understanding the code
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime / Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
- low-polygon model / What's a Mesh?
- building / Poly wants to crack your game performance?
- Lunar Lander / Motherload
- main Camera
- adjusting / Time for action – adjust Main Camera
- Make Game button / Time for action – make the Ball bouncy
- Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) / FusionFall
- Master of Orion / Trapped in your own skin
- Material parameter / Time for action – make the Ball bouncy, Have a go hero
- Maximize on Play button / Disappear me!
- Maya
- about / The wonders of technology!
- mechanic
- versus skin / Mechanic versus skin
- member variables / C# Addendum
- mesh
- about / What's a Mesh?
- vertex / What's a Mesh?
- edges / What's a Mesh?
- faces / What's a Mesh?
- Mesh / What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- mesh colliders
- convex, making / Time for action – making the mesh colliders convex
- Mesh game objects
- color / Keeping yourself in the dark
- Mesh Renderer checkbox / Time for action – multiple erections
- Mesh Renderer component
- ball re-appcontents / Ding!
- Minecraft / Poly wants to crack your game performance?
- minutes variable / What just happened – what about that terrifying code?
- models
- exploring / Time for action – exploring the models
- getting, in Scene / Time for action – hands up!
- custom Materials, adding to / Time for action – material witness, What just happened – understanding Materials, Have a go hero – adding materials to the other models
- Motherload
- about / Motherload
- URL / Motherload
- core mechanism / Motherload
- skin / Motherload
- feature set / Motherload
- additional features / Possible additional features:
- skills, improving / Possible additional features:
- MOTS (more-of-the-same) sequel / Possible additional features:
- MouseFollow Script
- creating / Time for action – create a new MouseFollow Script, What just happened?
- MouseFollow script / Time for action – making the hands and tray follow the mouse
- mouse y position
- following / Time for action – follow the y position of the mouse
- Move tool / Scene controls
- nested loop
- about / To nest is best
- new keyword / C# Addendum
- numbers
- tracking / Tracking the numbers
- logging / Time for action – Log the New Number
- numHits variable / Time for action – keeping track of the bounces
- Nurse Slipperfoot
- handling / Time for action – how to "handle" Nurse Slipperfoot
- Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
- about / Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
- features / Fewer features, more promises
- OnCollisionEnter function / Time for action – give up the func
- OnGUI function / Time for action – Flex those GUI muscles
- OnMouseDown function / Read after thinking
- origin
- about / Origin story
- overloaded method / Right on target
- Paddle
- animating / Time for action – animate the Paddle, What just happened – what witchcraft is this?, Why didn't the Paddle animate before?
- moving / Move the Paddle, A tiny bit o' math
- listening to / Time for action – listen to the paddle
- paddle angle
- creating / Once more into the breach
- Paint.NET
- URL / Graphics
- particle system
- adding / Time for action – bombs away!
- poking / Time for action – poke those particles
- spark material, adding to / Time for action – creating a spark material
- setting / Have a go hero – time to ignite your creative spark
- passing arguments / Educated guesses
- Peggle / The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- tips / The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- pie clock
- about / Keep your fork – there's pie!
- building / Pop quiz – how do we build it?, How they did it
- textures, rotating / Time for action – rigging up the textures
- script, writing / Time for action – writing the pie chart script, What just happened?
- texture rotation, coding / Time for action – commencing operation pie clock, What just happened – explaining away the loose ends
- positioning / Time for action – positioning and scaling the clock
- scaling / Time for action – positioning and scaling the clock, Have a go hero – rock out with your clock out
- PlacePiece function / Time for action – code consolidation
- planes
- working with / Using all three dees
- Play Again button / Beyond the game mechanic, Time for action – multiple erections
- adding / Time for action – adding the Play Again button, What just happened?
- playback controls / Playback controls
- Play button / Disappear me!
- player
- click-spamming / Click-spamming for fun and profit
- polygon
- about / What's a Mesh?
- Pong
- about / Pong
- mechanism / Pong
- feature set / Pong
- PopCap Games / The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- P Powerup class / A capital idea
- Prefab
- creating / Time for action – prefabulous, What just happened – what's a Prefab?
- PreventOrCreateTrap function / What just happened – I'm running out of trap puns
- private access / C# Addendum
- programming undependibility / Time for action – programming fallibility
- Project panel / The Project panel, Have a go hero, Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material
- pseudocode / Time for action – Log the New Number
- translating, into actual code / Time for action – pseu pseu pseudocode
- public / C# Addendum
- quaternion
- Quaternion.Euler / Right on target
- random numbers
- using, effectively / Random reigns supreme
- Raster images / What just happened – was that seriously magic?
- Record button / Time for action – animate the bouncer
- Renderer class
- functions / The Renderer class
- enabled variable / The Renderer class
- ResetPosition() function / Time for action – give up the func
- return value / Right on target
- rigging / Time for action – adding the character
- Rigidbody component
- adding, to game object / Add physics to your game, Understanding the gravity of the situation
- Robot Repair game
- clock Script, preparing / Time for action – preparing the Clock Script
- clock text, preparing / Time for more action – preparing the clock text
- clock text color, changing / Still time for action – changing the clock text color
- font texture, creating / Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material
- material, creating / Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material
- font settings, changing / Time for action – what's with the tiny font?, What just happened – was that seriously magic?
- clock code, preparing / Time for action – preparing the clock code, What just happened – that's a whole lotta nothing
- countdown logic, changing / Time for action – creating the countdown logic
- time, displaying on screen / Time for action – displaying the time on-screen, What just happened – what about that terrifying code?
- game graphics, obtaining / Time for action – grabbing the picture clock graphics, What just happened – you can do that?
- GUI techniques, using / Time for action – Flex those GUI muscles, What just happened – how does it work?
- robot repair game
- scenes, setting up / Time for action – set up two scenes
- GUI, preparing / No right answer, Time for action – prepare the GUI
- custom GUI skin, creating / Time for action – create and link a custom GUI skin, What just happened?
- custom GUI skin, linking / Time for action – create and link a custom GUI skin, What just happened?
- button UI control, creating / Time for action – create a button UI control, What just happened?
- default look, overriding for UI button / Want font?
- Assets package, importing / Cover your assets
- mip-mapping technique / Time for action – nix the mip-mapping
- sparkly effect, reducing / Time for action – nix the mip-mapping
- button, centering / Time for action – center the button, What just happened – investigating the code
- waiting game / The waiting game
- button creation line, clarifying / The easiest button to button
- scenes, adding to Build List / Time for action – add both scenes to Build List
- game scene, preparing / Time for action – prepare the game scene
- game plan / The game plan
- custom class, writing in GameScript script / Have some class!
- variables collection / A matter of great import
- bucket, building / Building a better bucket
- collections / How big is your locker?
- code, adding to Start function / Start me up
- iterative loop, creating / Going loopy
- iterative loop, anatomy / The anatomy of a loop
- nested loop / To nest is best
- automatic layout areas, creating in GameScript / Time for action – create an area to store the grid
- grid, building of card buttons / Build that grid, What just happened – grokking the code
- robots, breaking / Let's break some robots
- deck, building / Time for action – building the deck, What just happened – dissecting the bits
- img argument, modifying / Time for action – modifying the img argument, What just happened?
- this keyword, using / What exactly is "this"?
- random numbers, using effectively / Random reigns supreme
- card faces, randomizing / Second dragon down
- cards, flipping / Time for action – making the cards two-sided
- card-flipping function, building / Time for action – building the card-flipping function, Time for action – building the card-flipping function
- flip, dissecting / What just happened – dissecting the flip
- FlipCardFaceUp, wrapping in conditional statement / Pumpkin eater, What just happened?
- game, ending / Endgame, Endgame
- checking, for victory / Time for action – checking for victory, Have a go hero – extra credit
- GameScript / Bring. It. On.
- Rock Band / Time for action – make some noise
- Rotate tool / Scene controls
- rotation variable / Time for action – writing the pie chart script
- runner
- animating / Time for action – animate the runner
- runner GameObject
- rotation values, adding / Time for action – you spin me right round
- Saints Row game / The siren song of 3D
- Scale tool / Scene controls
- scene
- about / You're making a scene
- scene controls
- about / Scene controls
- Hand tool / Scene controls
- Move tool / Scene controls
- Rotate tool / Scene controls
- Scale tool / Scene controls
- Scenes / Time for action – deploy your game
- Scene window
- about / The Scene window
- Game window / The Game window
- Hierarchy panel / The Hierarchy panel
- Project panel / The Project panel
- Inspector panel / The Inspector panel
- playback controls / Playback controls
- screen coordinates
- versus world coordinates / Screen coordinates versus World coordinates
- Script
- about / What is code?
- sample code, adding to / Time for action – add the sample code to your Script
- second camera
- creating / Time for action – meet me at camera two
- setting up, facing hallyway / Time for action – meet me at camera two
- Shoot the Moon
- creating / Time for action – duplicate your game project
- space backdrop, adding / Time for action – space the shooter up a bit
- HeroShip model, creating / Time for action – enter the hero
- collision contours, determining for Heroship model / Time for action – it's a hit!
- EnemyShip model, creating / Time for action – bring on the bad guys
- script adjustments / Time for action – do some housekeeping
- EnemyShip Script, modifying / Time for action – fixing the fall
- HeroShip Script, modifying / Time for action – tweak the hero, What just happened – hooray for lazy!
- EnemyShip Script, adding function / Time for action – give up the func
- HeroShip Script, adding function / Time for action – give up the func
- Bullet Game Object, building / Time for action – itchy trigger finger
- Bullet Game Object, modifying / Time for action – futurize the bullet
- Halo Component, building / Time for action – building Halo
- bullet, firing / Time for action – fire!
- collision, detecting / Time for action – code do-si-do
- explosion, creating / Time for action – the maaagic of aaaarguments
- testing / Time for action – add the most important part of any space shooter
- missing elements / Have a go hero – filling in the empty space
- ShowStalematePrompt function / Nice moves
- ShowTime() function / What just happened – that's a whole lotta nothing
- ShowWinnerPrompt function
- creating / Time for action – notify the winner
- single script
- creating, setup / One Script to rule them all
- skin
- versus mechanic / Mechanic versus skin
- sky
- redefining / Redefining the sky
- Skyrim / The siren song of 3D
- Slerp
- about / More on Slerp
- Slerp() function / Educated guesses
- soft body dynamics / Understanding the gravity of the situation
- solitaire (one-player) flip n' match memory game
- building / You'll totally flip
- solved game / Have a go hero – solve Tic Tac Toe
- sound effects
- adding / Time for action – make some noise
- adding, to FallingObject script / Time for action – add sounds to FallingObject
- creating / Have a go hero – sound off
- importing / Have a go hero – sound off
- Sphere components
- Transform / What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- Mesh Filter / What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- Sphere Collider / What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- Mesh Renderer / What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- square
- creating / Squaring the Square
- x value, setting / Squaring the Square
- y value, setting / Squaring the Square
- fixing / Time for action – now you see it...
- square values
- setting / Family values
- Staggered Row / Detecting the tri-corner trap
- starfield layer / Time for action – haul in the hallway
- Start() function / You'll never go hungry again, Still time for action – changing the clock text color
- Start function / What just happened – order!
- startMatrix variable / What just happened?
- startTime variable / Time for action – creating the countdown logic
- statement block / It's all Greek to me
- statements / What is code?, It's all Greek to me
- Super Mario 64 / The siren song of 3D
- target Quaternion / Right on target
- Tcker Taker game
- C# Addendum / C# Addendum
- Tetris / Mechanic versus skin
- Ticker Taker game
- improving / Have a go hero – use your new-found powers for good
- deploying / Time for action – deploy your game
- Tic Tac Toe game
- about / Computers that think, Nice moves
- setting up / Time for action – haul in the hallway
- techniques / Time for action – it's hip to be square
- clickable square, creating / Time for action – it's hip to be square, What just happened – find and click
- players / Time for action – it takes two to Tic Tac Toe
- players, alternating between / What just happened – alternating between players
- playing, steps / Time for action – designer to player. Come in, player.
- ShowPlayerPrompt / What just happened – prompt service
- online playing / Slowly building to a climax
- challenges / What just happened – building a more complex lock
- moves, tracking / Nice moves
- bug / Time for action – the final bug, All done but for the shouting
- playing, by computer player / Tic Tac Toe at the speed of light
- game tree / Have a go hero – solve Tic Tac Toe
- rules / Time for action – winning is everything
- playing, ways / It's a trap!
- scores / Time for action – score!
- starting again / What just happened – the search is on
- Tic Tac Toe game actual intelligence
- versus AI / The actual intelligence behind artificial intelligence
- TicTac Toe game positions
- deciding / The leftovers
- Tic Tac Toe game tree / Have a go hero – solve Tic Tac Toe
- Tic Tac Toe game victory
- hunting for / What just happened – hunting for a win
- checking / Time for action – check for a win, Sore loser
- post actions / Time for action – you win. Now what?
- Time.deltaTime / Educated guesses
- TimeIsUp() function / What just happened – that's a whole lotta nothing
- transform.rotation value / Educated guesses
- Transform component
- listing / A capital idea
- tray GameObject
- tagging / Time for action – tagging the tray
- tri-corner / Detecting the tri-corner trap
- Tri-Corner trap
- detecting / Detecting the tri-corner trap
- True Type Font Importer / Time for action – what's with the tiny font?
- ttf (TrueType Font) / Time for action rides again – creating Font Texture and Material
- T Transform / A capital idea
- Unity
- features / Why choose Unity?
- limitations / Why burn this book and run away screaming?
- used, for game making / 'Tis volley
- Script / What is code?
- 3D Sound / Silent 'Splosion
- Unity 3D
- about / Introducing Unity 3D, Welcome to Unity 3D!
- downloading / Stop! Hammer time
- Unity 3D game portals
- about / Game portals
- Unity 3D primitives
- used, for game objects creating / Creating the ball and the hitter, What just happened – that's all there is to it?
- Unity Asset Store
- 2DToolkit / The Unity Asset Store
- NGUI / The Unity Asset Store
- playMaker / The Unity Asset Store
- Asset packs / The Unity Asset Store
- Unity game engine
- about / The engine, the tool, and the all-weather tires
- Unity graphical user interfaces
- steps / Now you're playing with power!
- Unity Language Reference
- revisiting / Time for action – re-visit the Unity Language Reference
- Unity offline resources
- Local User Groups / Offline resources
- Unite / Offline resources
- Unity online resources
- Unity Manual / Online resources
- Google / Online resources
- Unity Answers / Online resources
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) / Online resources
- Unity 3D Tutorials / Online resources
- YouTube / Online resources
- Twitter / Online resources
- Unity portals / Showcase Showdown
- Unity project
- creating / Kick up a new Unity project, A blank slate
- Unity script
- writing / Time for action – write your first Unity Script, A leap of faith
- first line, viewing / A leap of faith
- languages / It's all Greek to me
- Unity Script
- removing / Time for action – unstick the Script
- Unity Script Reference / Time for action – journey to the Unity Script Reference
- Unity Technologies
- about / The engine, the tool, and the all-weather tires
- Unity User Guide
- URL / Have a go hero – time to ignite your creative spark
- Unity Web Player
- about / Browser-based 3D – welcome to the future
- installing / Time for action – install the Unity Web Player
- Update() function / Still time for action – changing the clock text color, Time for action – keeping track of the bounces, Time for action – adding the lose condition
- Update function / You'll never go hungry again, Time for action – scripting the character
- Use Gravity checkbox / Add physics to your game
- variable
- about / Somebody get me a bucket
- declaring, for Screen Midpoint storage / Time for action – declare a variable to store the Screen midpoint, What just happened – we've gone too var
- naming convention / What just happened – we've gone too var
- variableName * datatype format / C# Addendum
- Wall Front Game Object / Time for action – multiple erections
- walls
- erecting / Time for action – multiple erections
- Win function / What just happened – stepping through the strategy
- WinOrBlock() function / What just happened – roll for initiative
- Wooglie
- about / I bent my Wooglie
- URL / I bent my Wooglie
- word
- picking up / Pick a word – (almost) any word
- word meaning
- searching / What's another word for "huh"?
- world coordinates
- versus screen coordinates / Screen coordinates versus World coordinates
- World of Warcraft / Features versus content
- Worms series / Artillery Live!
- XCode
- about / Why choose Unity?
- XGen Studios
- about / Motherload
- X player pieces
- creating / Time for action – X marks the spot
- colliding / What just happened – to collide or not to collide?
- placing / Time for action – +9 accuracy
- fixing, in square script / Time for action – solve for X
- placing, multiple times / What just happened – lockdown
- Zelda game / Heads up!