Memory safety is important
Most of us living in the modern world expect things to work. We expect to have electricity, clean water, and sanitation to the point that they have faded into the background. We don’t notice or consider the work required to keep the flow of electricity going; it’s just expected.
Software is the newcomer on this stage. I imagine people don’t realize how involved software is in almost everything people do, from payments to entertainment, from life-saving emergency services to going from one place to another.
Yet of all the omnipresent services in the modern world, software is the one that, for all its benefits, can really make your life difficult. Consider all the people whose identities have been leaked and sometimes stolen, whose money has been estranged, and who have been denied or got delayed medical attention because of hospitals affected by ransomware. Software is everywhere, and software must do better.
Yet we, the programmers...