Sales/Profit dashboard example
In this example, we will utilize many techniques that we have learned in the previous recipes to create a Sales/Profit dashboard.
The Sales/Profit dashboard displays the sales or profit of each state on the map. From the map, a user can select a state and then view year-to-date (YTD) sales/profit information for products that are sold from the bar chart in the top right. The user can then drill down further by clicking on a product bar.
A detailed scorecard and trend chart at the bottom right will then be shown for the selected state and product.

Techniques from the following chapters and recipes were used for this example:
- Chapter 1, Staying in Control
- The Adding a line chart to your dashboard recipe from Chapter 2, Data Visualization
- The Drilling down from a chart recipe from Chapter 3, From a Static to an Interactive Dashboard
- The Using Filtered Rows recipe from Chapter 3, From a Static to an Interactive Dashboard
- The Selecting your data from a list recipe from...