Content authoring
The settings within this section control the experience of content editing for your users. It's quite a complex area with many options, so we'll go through one step at a time.
Text formats and editors
Go to Configuration | Text formatters and editors (admin/config/content/formats
You will see four text formats listed, the particular JavaScript editor that is assigned to them, and which roles can use them:

CKEditor is the name of the WYSIWYG editor included with Drupal 8.
We first looked at fields back in Chapters 3, Basic concepts, and Chapter 4, Getting Started with the UI. You also touched on the idea of text formats back in Chapter 5, Basic Content when you first looked at creating and editing page content, specifically the Body field, which is a text area rather than simply a single line of text.
Text formats apply whenever there is a text area field in use. It is possible to specify a text formatter on a per-field basis.
The idea of text formatters is that different markup...