Regression performance
To measure the performance of a regression, the distance between the predicted outputs and the actual outputs, is a good model performance measure.
Rattle offers us a good way to see predicted values versus the actual value—the Predicted versus Observed plot. To test this plot, you need to create a regression model. You can download a sample dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository (; Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science), or from Kaggle ( On some websites, such as the UCI Machine Learning Repository, the datasets are classified by the task you want to perform with the dataset.
Predicted versus Observed Plot
Imagine we have to create a model to predict the price of a house. Click on the Evaluate tab:
Rattle's Evaluate tab offers us two good options for a regression model as shown in the preceding screenshot:
Predicted versus Observed Plot: We will use this option to...