Recognizing Scrum Anti-Patterns
In the previous chapters, we explored the accountabilities of the Scrum Team and how they interact with each other, the Scrum Artifact, and Scrum Events, all within the context of the Sprint life cycle.
In this chapter, we’ll explore how these interactions can be misdirected or misapplied by examining some Scrum anti-patterns. Anti-patterns are common practices that are usually ineffective, inefficient, and even harmful. By quickly recognizing what we’re doing wrong, we have better chances of putting things right and not repeating the same mistakes in the future. We’ll present anti-patterns that affect different members of the Scrum Team, highlight their consequences, and suggest potential remedies.
Specifically, we’ll discuss the following topics:
- Developer anti-patterns
- Product Owner anti-patterns
- Organizational anti-patterns
- Scrum Master anti-patterns
By the end of this chapter, you should...