Rebuilding top
The top
command is very simple to use but is actually doing a fair amount of interesting work. I often start with top
, then switch to stats count
, but then wish for something that top
provides automatically. This exercise will show you how to recreate all the elements so that you might pick and choose what you need.
Let's recreate the top
command by using other commands.
Here is the query that we will replicate:
sourcetype="impl_splunk_gen" error | top useother=t limit=5 logger user
The output looks like this:

To build count, we can use stats
like this:
sourcetype="impl_splunk_gen" error | stats count by logger user
This gets us most of the way towards our final goal:

To calculate the percentage that top
includes, we will first need the total number of events. The eventstats
command lets us add statistics to every row without replacing the rows:
sourcetype="impl_splunk_gen" error | stats count by logger user | eventstats sum(count) as totalcount
The following adds our totalcount...