- accelerometer
- about / Utilizing the accelerometer
- experimenting / Time for action – experimenting with the accelerometer, What just happened?
- feedback / Understanding accelerometer feedback
- x axis feedback / Understanding the x axis feedback, Understanding the x axis feedback
- y axis feedback / Understanding the y axis feedback
- using, in game / Using the accelerometer in a game
- controlled game, creating / Time for action – creating an accelerometer-controlled game
- accelerometer controlled game
- creating / Time for action – creating an accelerometer-controlled game, What just happened?
- auto-rotatae / Autorotate
- active actors
- about / Understanding active actors
- freezing statue / Experiencing a freezing statue
- origin / The origin of the actors
- inactive status, avoiding / Time for action – stopping the statues from becoming inactive, What just happened?, There's more than one way
- actor
- repositioning / Repositioning an actor during gameplay, What just happened?
- actor type / What just happened?
- actors collision groups
- players group, examining / Time for action – examining the Players and Actors groups
- Actors group, examining / Time for action – examining the Players and Actors groups
- actors collision shapes
- modifying / Modifying an actor's collision shapes
- monkey;s collision shapes, modifying / Time for Action – modifying the monkey's collision shapes, What just happened?
- multiple collision shapes, adding / Adding multiple collision shapes
- additional levels
- creating / Creating additional levels
- renaming / Time for action – renaming, duplicating, and modifying a level
- duplicating / Time for action – renaming, duplicating, and modifying a level, What just happened?
- modifying / Time for action – renaming, duplicating, and modifying a level, What just happened?
- progressing / Progressing through the levels
- level progression, implementing / Time for action – implementing level progression, What just happened?
- adding / Adding even more levels
- additional mobile device features
- exploring / Exploring additional mobile device features
- additional resources
- fonts / Fonts
- StencylForge / StencylForge
- books / Books
- websites / Websites
- Add Terrain tool / Time for action – adding a terrain collision area to the scene
- Add to Scene button / Placing the new actors into the jungle scene
- Adobe Flash Player window / Have a go hero
- alternative graphics tool
- about / Using an alternative graphics tool
- default graphics editor, changing / Time for action – changing the default graphics editor
- Android device
- testing on / Testing on an Android device, Time for action – testing on an Android device
- animation / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- animation, in Stencyl
- actor, creating / Creating an actor using an imported image file
- terminology / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- ready-made sprite sheet, importing / Importing a ready-made sprite sheet
- frame durations, fine tuning / Fine-tuning an animation's frame durations
- animation frames, editing / Editing animation frames
- instruction blocks, using / Using instruction blocks to control animations
- tweening, implementing / Implementing tweening with instruction blocks
- Animation Editor / Time for action – downloading an actor, Modifying an actor's collision shapes
- image, importing to / Time for action – importing an image into the Animation Editor
- animation frame durations
- editing / Editing animation frames
- editing, Pencyl used / Time for action – editing an existing frame with Pencyl
- alternative graphics tool, using / Using an alternative graphics tool
- animations
- controlling, instruction blocks used / Using instruction blocks to control animations
- animation settings
- about / Animation settings
- name / Name
- looping / Looping
- Synchronized? option / Synchronized
- Origin Point / Origin Point
- default animation / Default animation
- Animations panel / Time for action – importing an image into the Animation Editor
- animation terminology, Stencyl
- angel / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- idle left / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- idle right / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- jump left / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- jump right / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- run left / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- run right / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- waiting / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- frames / Animation frames
- animations frame durations
- modifying / Time for action – modifying an animation's frame durations, What just happened?
- Apply Name button / Updating attribute names
- Armor games / Industry networking
- attributes / Configuring behaviors with Attributes
- Audacity / Audacity
- audio file, Stencyl
- MP3 / Audio file requirements
- OOG / Audio file requirements
- audio tools
- about / Audio Tools
- audacity / Audacity
- inudge / inudge
- background
- adding, to Jungle scene / Adding a background and foreground, Time for action – adding a background to the Jungle scene, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- viewing, in Scene Editor / Viewing foregrounds and backgrounds in the Scene Editor
- backgrounds
- about / More about foregrounds and backgrounds
- behaviors
- about / Working with behaviors
- adding / Adding behaviors
- attaching, to actor / Time for action – attaching a behavior to an actor, What just happened?
- configuring, with attributes / Configuring behaviors with Attributes
- configuring / Time for action – configuring the behavior, Have a go hero – configuring the remaining animations
- Behaviors / Sharing resources with other Stencyl developers
- Behaviors button / The actor's behavior screen
- blank screen
- creating / Creating a blank scene, Time for action – creating a blank scene
- Boolean flag / Preventing multiple collisions from being detected
- Camera Follow behavior / What just happened?
- attaching / Time for action – attaching the Camera Follow behavior
- interesting scenery, adding / Adding some interesting scenery
- interesting tiles, adding / Have a go hero – adding some interesting tiles to the scene
- level design, fine-tuning / Fine-tuning the level design
- game testers, finding / Finding game testers
- Cannot Exit Scene behavior / What just happened?
- certificate / Considering certification requirements
- certification requirements
- considering / Considering certification requirements
- Chit Chat forum / Have a go hero
- collected actors
- fruit, counting / Counting collected actors, Time for action – counting the fruit, What just happened?
- fruit collection, alerting / Time for action – detecting when all fruits have been collected, What just happened?
- multiple collisions, preventing / Preventing multiple collisions from being detected
- collectibles
- adding / Adding enemies and collectibles
- downloading / Downloading the enemies and collectibles
- Collides with Collectibles event / Time for action – using the grow instruction block
- collision detection, Stencyl
- working with / Working with collision detection in Stencyl
- Debug Drawing feature, enabling / Time for action – enabling the Debug Drawing feature, What just happened?
- collision groups
- about / Working with collision groups
- working with / Time for action – examining the collision group settings, What just happened?
- new collision group, creating for enemy actors / Creating a new collision group, Time for action – creating a collision group for enemy actors
- configuring, for fruit actors / Configuring collisions for the fruit actors
- Collision Groups window / Time for action – examining the collision group settings
- Collision Group window / What just happened?
- collision sensors
- using / Using collision sensors
- fruit, configuring as / Time for action – configuring the fruit as a sensor, What just happened?
- collision shapes, tiles
- configuring / Configuring collision shapes for tiles
- collision bounds, modifying / Time for action – modifying the collision bounds of a tile, Have a go hero
- control key / What just happened?
- copyright / Copyright
- Countdown expired event / Time for action – switching animations with instruction blocks
- countdown timer
- creating / Creating a countdown timer, Time for action – creating a countdown timer, What just happened?
- debug blocks, examining / Examining the debug blocks
- countdown timer onscreen
- about / Displaying a countdown timer on the screen
- displaying / Displaying a countdown timer on the screen, Time for action – displaying the countdown timer on the screen, What just happened?
- CPM / Making money with in-game advertising
- created games, Stencyl used
- Making Monkeys / Successful games created with Stencyl
- Kreayshawn Goes to Japan / Successful games created with Stencyl
- Impossible Pixel / Successful games created with Stencyl
- Creative Commons Attribution license / Licensed works
- custom behavior
- creating / Creating our first custom behavior, Time for action – creating a behavior, What just happened?
- action, creating / Time for action – adding an action and attaching to it an actor, What just happened?
- action, attaching to an actor / Time for action – adding an action and attaching to it an actor, What just happened?
- behavior screen / The actor's behavior screen
- additional event, adding to / Adding an additional event to a behavior
- event, adding / Time for action – adding an event and renaming the behavior, What just happened?
- instruction block palette / Understanding the instruction block palette
- future refinements / Considering future refinements
- gameplay review / A review of the gameplay
- new challenge / Introducing a new challenge
- statue, downloading / Have a go hero – downloading and configuring the statue
- statue, configuring / Have a go hero – downloading and configuring the statue
- custom behaviors
- about / Creating custom behaviors
- Custom Event / What just happened?
- custom events
- trigerring, in behaviors / Triggering custom events in our behaviors, What just happened?
- decision making
- implementing / Implementing decision making into our game, Time for action – listening for the countdown to reach zero, What just happened?
- if ... block / What if? Otherwise…
- default animation / Default animation
- Delete key / Time for action – adding a terrain collision area to the scene
- downloaded game files
- using / Using the downloaded game files
- Download Now button / Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl for Mac OS X
- Edit Frame (External) option / What just happened?
- Enable Debug Drawing option / Have a go hero
- Enable gestures block / What just happened?
- enemies
- adding / Adding enemies and collectibles
- downloading / Downloading the enemies and collectibles
- Escape key / Deleting tiles from a scene
- exclusive sponsorship / Exclusive sponsorship
- features, Stencyl / What makes Stencyl different, Stencyl creates native code, You don't need to be a coder, Using the free version of Stencyl, Using the free version of Stencyl with this book
- FGL / Flash Game License (FGL)
- first special effect
- implementing / Implementing our first special effect
- status, disappearing / Time for action – making the statues disappear after a delay, What just happened?
- timings / Experimenting with the timings
- flag / Preventing multiple collisions from being detected
- fonts
- configuring / Configuring fonts
- specifying, for game use / Time for action – specifying a font for use in our game, What just happened?
- files, using, in Stencyl / Using font files in Stencyl
- foregrounds
- viewing, in Scene Editor / Viewing foregrounds and backgrounds in the Scene Editor
- about / More about foregrounds and backgrounds
- frames / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- free version, Stencyl
- limitation / Using the free version of Stencyl
- Fruit Collected event / What just happened?
- game
- testing / Testing the game, Testing the game
- testing, for problem finding / Time for action – testing the game to find a problem!, What just happened?
- randomnes, introducing / Introducing randomness into our game, Time for action – introducing randomness to our behavior, What just happened?
- actor count, optimizing / Optimizing the number of actors
- timer, creating / Time for action – making the statues disappear after a delay
- fixing / Fixing the never-ending game!, Have a go hero
- sounds, organizing / Organizing sounds in the game
- game-completed scene
- implementing / Finalizing the game-completed scene, What just happened?, Have a go hero – improving the game-completed scene
- game-over message
- about / Creating a game over message
- existing banner event, reusing / Reusing the existing banner event, Time for action – modifying the existing banner event, What just happened?
- internal attribute names / Understanding internal attribute names
- attribute names, updating / Updating attribute names
- game-over banner, displaying / Displaying the game-over banner, Time for action – displaying the game over banner, What just happened?
- game-play mechanics
- progress review / A review of our progress
- requirements / Planning ahead – what else does our game need?
- game attribute
- creating / Creating a game attribute to count lives
- Lives game attribute, creating / Time for action – creating a Lives game attribute, What just happened?
- using / Using game attributes
- lives count, decrementing / Time for action – decrementing the number of lives, What just happened?
- zero alert / Time for action – detecting when Lives reaches zero, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- debug instructions, removing / Removing debug instructions
- gameplay area width
- increasing / Increasing the width of the gameplay area, Time for action – increasing the width of the scene
- tiles, adding to / Have a go hero – adding more tiles to the scene
- Gameplay Designer / How Stencyl works
- game testers
- searching / Finding game testers
- game testing
- with Stencyl free version / Testing games with the free version of Stencyl
- GDD / The planning process
- gestures / Implementing touchscreen controls
- graphics
- used, for information displaying / Using graphics to display information, What just happened?
- GraphicsGale / GraphicsGale
- graphics resources / Graphics resources
- graphics tools
- about / Graphics tools
- Inkscape / Inkscape
- GraphicsGale / GraphicsGale
- IAPs / In-app purchases
- image strip / Importing a ready-made sprite sheet
- imported image file
- used, for actor creating / Creating an actor using an imported image file
- image, importing into Animation Editor / Time for action – importing an image into the Animation Editor, What just happened?
- Import OGG option / What just happened?
- in-game advertising
- about / Making money with in-game advertising
- third-party advertisement providers / Third-party advertisement providers
- implementing / Implementing in-game advertising
- inserting, in game / Time for action – inserting an advertisement into our game, What just happened?
- MochiAds configuration, finalization / Have a go hero – finalizing the MochiAds configuration
- Mochi Media review process / The Mochi Media review process
- advertising / Preloaders and advertising
- preloaders / Preloaders and advertising
- information displaying, graphics used
- about / Using graphics to display information
- timer bar, displaying / Time for action – displaying a timer bar, What just happened?
- instruction blocks, activating / Activating and deactivating instruction blocks
- instruction blocks, deactivating / Activating and deactivating instruction blocks
- Inkscape / Inkscape
- installation, Stencyl
- on Microsoft Windows / Microsoft Windows, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl on Windows, What just happened?
- on Mac OS X / Mac OS X, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl for Mac OS X
- on Linux / Linux, What just happened?
- instruction blocks
- used, for animation control / Using instruction blocks to control animations
- used, for animations switching / Time for action – switching animations with instruction blocks, What just happened?
- used, for tweening implementations / Implementing tweening with instruction blocks, Time for action – using the grow instruction block, What just happened?
- internal names / What just happened?
- inudge / inudge
- iOS device
- testing on / Testing on an iOS device
- Jump and Run Movement behavior / What just happened?
- jumping sound effect
- about / Adding a jumping sound effect
- implementing / Time for action – implementing a jumping sound effect, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- Jump SFX event / Have a go hero
- King / Industry networking
- legal issues
- aout / Legal issues
- third-party assets, using / Use of third-party assets
- collaboration / A note about collaboration
- myths, clearing up / Clearing up some myths, Myth 1, Myth 4
- level progression routine
- implementing / Implementing a level progression routine
- message, displaying / Displaying the message and buttons, Time for action – displaying the message and buttons, What just happened?
- buttons, displaying / Time for action – displaying the message and buttons, What just happened?
- players selection, responding to / Responding to the player's selection, Time for action – responding to the player's selection, What just happened?
- level track
- game attribute, adding / Keeping track of the levels, What just happened?
- Linux
- Stencyl, installing on / Linux
- living document / The planning process
- local attributes / Using game attributes
- locations, sponsorship
- Flash Game License(FGL) / Flash Game License (FGL)
- industry network / Industry networking
- loop / What just happened?
- Looping? option / Looping
- looping block / What just happened?
- Mac OS X
- Stencyl, installing on / Mac OS X, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl for Mac OS X, What just happened?
- main menu scene
- about / Creating a Main Menu scene
- introduction scene, introduction / Time for action – displaying the introduction scene, What just happened?
- Microsoft Windows
- Stencyl, installing on / Microsoft Windows, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl on Windows, What just happened?
- Miniclip / Industry networking
- mobile device
- testing on / Testing on a mobile device
- Android device, testing on / Testing on an Android device, Time for action – testing on an Android device
- iOS device, testing on / Testing on an iOS device, What just happened?
- Mobile game monetization opportunities
- In-app purchases / In-app purchases
- app store sales / App store sales
- Mochi Media review process / The Mochi Media review process
- Move Ball event / What just happened?
- MP3 file / Audio file requirements
- multiple collision shapes
- adding / Time for action – adding more collision shapes to the monkey
- planning / Planning the collision shapes
- updated collision bounds, testing / Testing the updated collision bounds
- new actors
- placing, to jungle scene / Placing the new actors into the jungle scene
- new game
- creating / Time for action – creating a new game
- OGG file / Audio file requirements
- OOP / What just happened?
- Open With Archive Manager option / Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl for Linux
- optimization / What just happened?
- Origin Point / Origin Point
- Overview screen / Implementing in-game advertising
- parallax / More about foregrounds and backgrounds
- passive income / Making money with in-game advertising
- pause banner framework
- pause framework, creating / Time for action – creating the pause framework, What just happened?
- pause feature
- adding / Adding a pause feature
- pause banner framework, preparing / Preparing the pause banner framework
- pause routine configuration / Summary of the pause routine configuration, Have a go hero
- pause framework
- main routine, implementing / Time for action – implementing the main pause routine, What just happened?
- Physical Properties / Time for action – configuring the fruit as a sensor
- PickupSFX event / What just happened?
- pickup sound effect
- addding / Adding a pickup sound effect, Time for action – implementing a pickup sound effect, What just happened?
- placeholder graphics / Using placeholder graphics
- planning process
- about / The planning process, Finding the fun
- items / The planning process
- starting with / Where to start, Starting small
- concept drawings, starting with / Starting with concept drawings
- prototype, starting with / Starting with a prototype
- placeholder graphics, using / Using placeholder graphics
- small goals, setting / Setting small goals
- burn-out, avoiding / Avoiding burn-out
- platform differences
- examining / Examining platform differences
- play sound instruction blocks
- about / Examining the play sound instruction blocks
- examining / Examining the play sound instruction blocks
- preloader / Preloaders and advertising
- primary sponsorship / Primary sponsorship
- progress
- reviewing / Reviewing our progress
- behaviors, using / Using behaviors to interact with our game
- Properties category / Time for action – adding an action and attaching to it an actor
- public domain / What just happened?
- publishing
- versus testing / Understanding testing versus publishing
- ready-made sprite sheet
- about / Importing a ready-made sprite sheet
- importing / Time for action – importing a sprite sheet, What just happened?
- residual income / Making money with in-game advertising
- royalty-free / Royalty-free
- Run Stencyl option / Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl on Windows
- runtime error / What just happened?
- Scene Designer / How Stencyl works, What just happened?
- Scene Designer toolbar / Time for action – adding a terrain collision area to the scene
- scene mechanics
- about / Improving the scene mechanics, Time for action – adding gravity to the Jungle scene, What just happened?
- actor / Keeping an actor in a scene
- another behavior, attaching to actor / Time for action – attaching another behavior to the actor, What just happened?
- scenery tiles
- downloading, from StencylForge / Time for action – downloading tiles from StencylForge, What just happened?
- scene size
- examining / Examining screen size and scene size
- screen
- scroll, creating / Making the screen scroll
- Camera Follow behavior / Making the screen scroll
- screen size
- examining / Examining screen size and scene size
- statue drop location, adjusting / Time for action – adjusting the drop-location of the statue, What just happened?
- scene instruction blocks, examining / Examining the scene instruction blocks
- changing / Preparing for future changes, Time for action – making the behavior more flexible, What just happened?
- secondary sponsorship / Secondary sponsorship
- Sign Up button / Time for action – creating an account and signing in
- sounds
- organizing, in game / Organizing sounds in the game
- importing, into Stencyl / Importing sounds into Stencyl, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- soundtrack
- adding / Adding a soundtrack, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- sound types, Stencyl
- about / Understanding sound types in Stencyl
- audio file / Audio file requirements
- music looping / Looping music
- sponsorship
- about / Obtaining sponsorship, Understanding sponsorships
- primary sponsorship / Primary sponsorship
- secondary sponsorship / Secondary sponsorship
- exclusive sponsorship / Exclusive sponsorship
- payments / Sponsorship payments
- locations / Where to find sponsorship
- oportunities, improving / Improving our opportunities for sponsorship
- Mobile game monetization opportunities / Mobile game monetization opportunities
- sprite sheet / Importing a ready-made sprite sheet
- state / Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
- Stencyl
- working / How Stencyl works
- using, steps / How we'll learn to use Stencyl
- advantages / Why Stencyl is a great development tool
- rapid prototyping / Rapid prototyping and development
- development / Rapid prototyping and development
- code development / No code development
- resource, sharing / Sharing resources with other Stencyl developers
- platforms / Platforms that Stencyl runs on
- features / What makes Stencyl different
- created games / Successful games created with Stencyl
- Showcase / The Stencyl Showcase
- installing / Installing Stencyl and testing the setup
- installing, on Microsoft Windows / Microsoft Windows, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl on Windows, What just happened?
- installing, on Mac OS X / Mac OS X, Time for action – downloading and installing Stencyl for Mac OS X
- installing, on Linux / Linux
- account, creating / Creating a Stencyl account
- collision detection, working with / Working with collision detection in Stencyl
- font files, using / Using font files in Stencyl
- sound types / Understanding sound types in Stencyl
- sounds, importing / Importing sounds into Stencyl, Time for action – importing a sound effect
- Stencyl account
- creating / Time for action – creating an account and signing in
- signing in / Time for action – creating an account and signing in
- Stencyl Arcade
- publishing to / Publishing to the Stencyl Arcade, Time for action – publishing to the Stencyl Arcade, What just happened?
- game sconfiguration, modifying / Have a go hero – changing our game's configuration
- Stencyl Dashboard
- about / Understanding the Stencyl Dashboard
- actor, adding to scene / Time for action – adding an actor to the jungle scene, What just happened?
- StencylForge / Sharing resources with other Stencyl developers, StencylForge
- resources, downloading / Downloading resources from StencylForge, Time for action – downloading an actor, What just happened?, Have a go hero – searching StencylForge for interesting actors
- about / Time for action – downloading an actor
- tiles, downloading from / Time for action – downloading tiles from StencylForge
- Stencyl game development
- progressing / Progressing with Stencyl game development
- Stencyl games
- publishing / Publishing Stencyl games
- Stencyl games, publishing
- developer licensing, for Google Android devices / Developer licensing for Google Android devices
- developer licensing, for Apple iOS devices / Developer licensing for Apple iOS devices
- mobile game distribution costs / Mobile game distribution costs
- Stencyl installation
- testing / Testing the Stencyl installation, Time For action – testing Stencyl, What just happened?
- Stencyl target platforms
- about / Stencyl target platforms
- specific devices, targeting / Targeting specific devices
- desktop games, publishing / Publishing desktop games
- iOS devices, publishing to / Publishing to iOS devices
- Android, publishing to / Publishing to Android
- streamed audio / Understanding sound types in Stencyl
- stroke / Have a go hero
- Synchronized? option / Synchronized
- terrain collision shapes
- implementing / Implementing terrain collision shapes
- terrain collision area, adding to scene / Time for action – adding a terrain collision area to the scene
- improvements / What else can we improve?
- Test Game icon / Time for action – adding gravity to the Jungle scene
- testing
- versus publishing / Understanding testing versus publishing
- third-party assets
- graphics resources / Graphics resources
- sound resources / Sound resources
- using / Use of third-party assets
- copyright / Copyright
- public domain / Public domain
- licensed works / Licensed works
- using, precautions / When it is safe to use third-party game assets
- third-party tools
- about / Third-party tools
- graphics tool / Graphics tools
- audio tools / Audio Tools
- tiles
- using / Downloading and using tiles for scenery
- downloading, for scenery / Downloading and using tiles for scenery
- adding, to scene / Adding tiles into the scene, Time for action – adding tiles into the scene, What just happened?
- working with / Working with tiles
- deleting, from scene / Deleting tiles from a scene
- existing tile, replacing in scene / Replacing existing tiles in a scene
- moving, in scene / Moving tiles in a scene
- multiple tiles, selecting / Selecting multiple tiles
- multiple copies, placing / Placing multiple copies of tiles, Have a go hero – experimenting with tiles in the scene
- initial design, finalizing / Finalizing the initial design, Have a go hero – tidying up the scene
- tileset / What just happened?
- Tileset Editor / Time for action – modifying the collision bounds of a tile
- timed event
- about / Creating a timed event
- creating / Time for action – creating a behavior to drop the statues, What just happened?
- problems, resolving / Identifying and resolving problems
- touch-screen controls
- implementing / Implementing touchscreen controls, Time for action – implementing touchscreen controls, What just happened?
- triggers
- about / Triggers and more triggers
- blocks / Taking time to learn the available blocks
- provided behaviors / Learning from the provided behaviors
- trigger blocks / Triggers and more triggers
- TrueType font / Using font files in Stencyl
- tweening
- implementing, instruction blocks used / Implementing tweening with instruction blocks, What just happened?
- USB debugging / Testing on an Android device
- variables / Understanding internal attribute names
- viewport / Examining screen size and scene size
- visual special effect
- ground shake efffect / Making the ground shake, Time for action – making the ground shake, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- when created event / What just happened?, Time for action – implementing touchscreen controls
- Working Mode section / Time for action – adding a terrain collision area to the scene