Chapter 4. OneOps Enterprise Deployment
In the previous chapters, you saw ways to install OneOps on a single server using various methods. You also saw a detailed overview of the OneOps architecture. Running OneOps on a single server serves well for development, demonstration, and proof-of-concept purposes. However, for a true enterprise-level setup, different OneOps services should be installed on different servers to better handle the enterprise-level load. It is very important to understand not only the architecture of OneOps, but also the reasoning behind it. At Walmart itself, OneOps allowed them to go from one or two large monolithic deployments once every two months to about 1000 deployments per typical development day. Of course, this turnaround was not achieved by simply installing OneOps. It took a huge effort that involved restructuring current applications with service-oriented architecture. Walmart also embraced DevOps culture and provided ownership and accountability...