Chapter #93. Don't Confound Users' Expectations
This is a kind of meta-principle. When your customers approach your product, they bring with them a lot of baggage. This past experience can be fought against or worked with. It's your job to work with it.
Consider that your users have almost certainly:
Used a computer or a smartphone before
Used a web-based product or an app before
Used a product a bit like yours before
Used a product "very much" like yours before
So why make things hard for them?
Your users have spent many years using products just like yours, so should your product work just like those other products or radically differently?
The answer is—"just like those other products".

iOS, Android and Tizen. There's a reason that products look similar
It's not exciting or sexy—you're not inventing a whole new class of product or interface, and you're not revolutionizing a whole product sector. What you are doing is the good work of a UX professional: building on the established practices that...