Using the ML model on ESP32
The goal of the example is to understand how to use the downloaded C++ model to develop an ESP-IDF project and run it on ESP32-S3 Box Lite to detect the keyword tinyml. We will connect an RGB LED to the devkit so that the application can visually indicate the inference state: green for keyword detection, blue for no sound/background noise, and red for any sound other than the keyword.
Before moving on to the code, let’s attach an RGB LED to the GP13 (red), GP12 (green), and GP11 (blue) pins of the devkit. The following Fritzing sketch shows the connections:

Figure 11.8: The connections between the devkit and the RGB LED
Unfortunately, our devkit is not officially supported by the Edge Impulse platform, so we should do the integration manually. However, we will skip all the integration work by using the application code from the book repository as it is in order to keep the focus on the main subject. We will only discuss the code...