- Abstract-C / Abstract-C
- active learning
- about / Active learning
- representation / Representation and notation
- notation / Representation and notation
- scenarios / Active learning scenarios
- approaches / Active learning approaches
- uncertainty sampling / Uncertainty sampling
- version space sampling / Version space sampling
- active learning, case study
- about / Case study in active learning
- tools / Tools and software
- software / Tools and software
- business problem / Business problem
- machine learning, mapping / Machine learning mapping
- data collection / Data Collection
- data sampling / Data sampling and transformation
- data transformation / Data sampling and transformation
- feature analysis / Feature analysis and dimensionality reduction
- dimensionality reduction / Feature analysis and dimensionality reduction
- models / Models, results, and evaluation
- results / Models, results, and evaluation
- evaluation / Models, results, and evaluation
- results, pool-based scenarios / Pool...