- Add button / Modifying the mounted login app, Mixins
- admin user
- creating / Creating an admin user
- modifying operations, locking / Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- admin_lock variable / Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- aggregation
- about / Indexing and aggregation
- browser-server transmission via / Browser-server transmission via AJAX, How to do it…, How it works…, Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- extending / Extending a module's API, How to do it…, How it works…, Creating the PUT upload stream example, Merging stat and statStream, Integrating the EventEmitter
- app
- deploying, to server environment / Deploying an app to a server environment, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., Using screen instead of nohup, Hosting multiple processes from port 80
- app.get method / How to do it...
- app.js file
- picking apart / Picking apart app.js
- app.js files
- configuring / Configuring app.js files
- app.listen method / How to do it...
- Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) / Working with real data – fetching trending tweets
- apply function / Partial application
- app mounting
- about / Understanding app mounting
- Asterisk
- URL / Sending an SMS
- asterisks wildcards
- defining / Asterisks wildcards
- Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability (ACID) / Storing data to CouchDB with Cradle
- attachments
- sending / Sending attachments
- auth-int attribute / How it works...
- authbind
- used, for privileged ports / Using authbind for privileged ports
- URL / Using authbind for privileged ports
- authenticated areas
- logging out / Logging out of authenticated areas
- authenticate function / Logging out of authenticated areas
- automated phone call
- making / Making an automated phone call
- automatic crash recovery
- about / Automatic crash recovery, How to do it..., How it works..., Detecting a respawn limit violation
- @background property / Playing with colors
- Base64 encoding
- URL / Remote Procedure Calls with Socket.IO, How it works...
- basename property / How to do it...
- basename variable / How to do it...
- Basic Authentication
- implementing / Implementing Basic Authentication, How to do it..., How it works..., Basic Authentication with Express
- URL / Implementing Basic Authentication
- with Express / Basic Authentication with Express
- securing, with SSL/TLS / Securing Basic Authentication with SSL/TLS
- Benchmarking
- about / Benchmarking
- BigCouch
- CouchDB, scaling with / Scaling CouchDB with BigCouch
- URL / Scaling CouchDB with BigCouch
- Binary JSON (BSON) / Updating modifiers, sort, and limit
- body-parser
- POST data, accessing with / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- about / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- bodyParser method / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- boundary parameter / Multipart file upload as a client
- broken downloads
- resumes, enabling from / Enabling a resume request from broken downloads
- browser-server transmission
- via AJAX / Browser-server transmission via AJAX, How to do it…, How it works…, Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- Browserify
- installing / WebSocket streams
- about / WebSocket streams
- URL / WebSocket streams
- Buffer.concat method / How it works...
- Buffer.copy method / How it works...
- Buffer.slice variable / How it works...
- Buffer.toString method / How it works…
- bufferOffset property / How to do it...
- bufferOffset variable / How it works...
- bufferSize property / How it works...
- buffertools.concat function / Processing stream chunk buffers efficiently
- Buffer variable / How it works...
- buildStats function / How to do it…, How it works…, How to do it…
- bytesOut variable / How it works...
- bytesSent parameter / How it works...
- CA
- about / Getting ready
- cache.clean method / Protecting against process memory overruns
- function / Protecting against process memory overruns
-[f] method / Protecting against process memory overruns
- cacheAndDeliver function / How it works..., How to do it...
- cache[f].content property / How it works...
- callback function / How it works…
- callback parameter / How it works…
- call method / Manipulating the CSV data stream, Adding the stat function to the initialized mp3dat object
- Cancel button / How it works...
- Can I use
- URL / Uploading files via PUT
- Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) / Using sendmail as an alternative transport
- cb function / Constructing JSONP responses, Consuming via the data event
- cb parameter / How to do it..., How it works...
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR) / Getting ready
- Chai
- URL / Unit tests with should.js
- changeUser method / How to do it…
- checkAndSave function / How it works…
- checkStatus function / How it works...
- chmod
- about / How it works...
- chunk parameter / How it works…
- chunks property / How to do it...
- chunk variable / Using read's size argument
- clean method / Protecting against process memory overruns
- client
- multipart data, uploading as / Multipart file upload as a client
- clientScript variable / How it works...
- colorMatches function / Processing stream chunk buffers efficiently
- colors
- playing with / Playing with colors
- connect
- about / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- POST data, accessing with / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- Connect
- about / Picking apart app.js
- URL / Picking apart app.js
- connection.query method / How to do it…
- content caching
- in memory, for immediate delivery / Caching content in memory for immediate delivery, How to do it..., How it works..., Reflecting content changes
- content changes
- reflecting / Reflecting content changes
- contents property / Sending attachments
- Continuous deployment
- about / Continuous deployment, How to do it..., How it works..., Building module dependencies on update, Writing a Node Git hook for integrated testing
- URL / Security and JSONP
- CouchDB
- data, storing with Cradle / Storing data to CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…
- URL / Getting ready
- scaling, with BigCouch / Scaling CouchDB with BigCouch
- data retrieval, with Cradle from / Retrieving data from CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…, Creating an admin user, Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- CouchDB changes stream
- accessing, with Cradle / Accessing the CouchDB changes stream with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…
- CouchDB HTTP interface
- exposing, to remote connections / Exposing the CouchDB HTTP interface to remote connections
- Cradle
- used, for storing data to CouchDB / Storing data to CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for retrieving data / Retrieving data from CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…, Creating an admin user, Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- Create a new application button / Getting ready
- createConnection method / How it works…
- createHash method / How it works...
- createQuotesView function / How to do it…
- createServer method / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser, How it works..., How to do it...
- createTransport method / How it works...
- Cross-browser real-time logic
- used, with Socket.IO / Cross-browser real-time logic with Socket.IO, How to do it..., There's more..., Custom events
- cross-site request forgery
- preventing / Preventing cross-site request forgery, How to do it..., How it works..., Auto-securing the POST forms with the CSRF elements, Eliminating cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) / Preventing cross-site request forgery
- cross-site scripting attacks
- eliminating / Eliminating cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
- Cryptographic password hashing
- about / Hashing passwords, How to do it..., How it works..., Hardened hashing with PBKDF2
- URL / Hashing passwords
- CSRF elements
- POST forms, auto-securing with / Auto-securing the POST forms with the CSRF elements
- CSS preprocessors
- used, with Express / CSS preprocessors with Express, How to do it..., How it works..., Nested mixins and rest parameters, Playing with colors, Using LESS
- about / Writing to a CSV file
- CSV file
- writing to / Writing to a CSV file, How it works…, Customizing the CSV elements, Manipulating the CSV data stream
- ctime property / Reflecting content changes
- curl
- URL / How to do it...
- custom domains
- assigning, to Nodejitsu apps / Assigning custom domains to Nodejitsu apps
- custom events
- about / Custom events
- custom middleware
- for site-wide session management / Custom middleware for site-wide session management
- data
- storing, with MongoDB / Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Indexing and aggregation, Updating modifiers, sort, and limit, MongoDB without MongoDB
- retrieving, with MongoDB / Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Indexing and aggregation, Updating modifiers, sort, and limit, MongoDB without MongoDB
- storing to CouchDB, with Cradle / Storing data to CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…
- retrieving from CouchDB, with Cradle / Retrieving data from CouchDB with Cradle, How to do it…, How it works…, Creating an admin user, Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- storing, with Redis / Storing and retrieving data with Redis, Getting ready, How it works…, Speeding up the Node Redis module, Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- retrieving, with Redis / Storing and retrieving data with Redis, How it works…, Speeding up the Node Redis module, Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- database
- provisioning, with jitsu / Provisioning a database with jitsu
- database bridge
- creating / Creating a database bridge
- data event
- consuming via / Consuming via the data event
- Data flows
- about / Data flow
- db.create method / How it works…
- debug function / The initialization process
- decide function / How to do it…, How it works…, Consuming via the data event, How to do it…, How it works…
- development tool
- WebSockets, using as / WebSockets as a development tool
- digest.response property / How it works...
- Digest Authentication
- implementing / Implementing Digest Authentication, How to do it..., How it works..., Logging out of authenticated areas
- digest method / How it works...
- DNS records, changing
- with registrar, URL / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- URL / How it works…
- download throttling
- implementing / Implementing download throttling, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more..., Enabling a resume request from broken downloads
- duplex stream
- about / Introduction
- duration object / How it works…
- duration property / How to do it…
- dynamic routing
- implementing / Implementing dynamic routing, How it works..., Optional routes, Asterisks wildcards
- e-mail
- sending / Sending an e-mail, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., Creating HTML e-mails, Sending attachments
- receiving, from external SMTP server / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- EJS templates
- about / EJS templates
- emit method / Custom events
- encoding parameter / How it works…
- enctype attribute / Getting ready
- about / Cross-browser real-time logic with Socket.IO
- URL / Cross-browser real-time logic with Socket.IO
- property / How it works...
- envelope parameter / How it works...
- err object / Picking apart app.js
- EventEmitter
- integrating / Integrating the EventEmitter
- exist parameter / How it works...
- exports.stat function / How it works…
- exports object / How it works…
- Express
- CSS preprocessors, using with / CSS preprocessors with Express, How to do it..., How it works..., Nested mixins and rest parameters, Playing with colors, Using LESS
- Basic Authentication, using with / Basic Authentication with Express
- HTTPS, enabling in / HTTPS in Express
- Express framework
- templating in / Templating in Express, How to do it..., How it works..., EJS templates, Literal JavaScript in Jade, Using layout.jade
- Express scaffolding
- generating / Generating Express scaffolding, How to do it..., How it works..., Picking apart app.js, The initialization process
- initialization process / The initialization process
- Express web app
- making / Making an Express web app, Getting ready, Creating a database bridge, Configuring app.js files, Modifying the profiler app, Modifying the mounted login app, Route handling, Views, Mixins, Locals, There's more...
- external connections
- Redis, securing from / Securing Redis from external connections
- external SMTP server
- e-mail, receiving from / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- favicon gotcha
- about / The favicon gotcha
- feed variable / How to do it…
- field parameter / How it works...
- file limits, Unix systems
- URL / How it works...
- fileName property / Sending attachments
- filenames
- preserving, with formidable / Preserving filenames with formidable
- file parameter / How it works...
- files
- uploading, via PUT / Uploading files via PUT
- files parameter / Multipart file upload as a client
- file uploads
- handling / Handling file uploads, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more..., Uploading files via PUT
- findBitRate function / How to do it…, How it works…, How to do it…
- find method / How it works…
- flash messages
- about / Flash messages
- forceLogOut property / Logging out of authenticated areas
- forEach method / Sending POST requests
- forever
- staying up with / Staying up with forever
- formidable
- used, to accept POST data / Using formidable to accept all POST data
- filenames, preserving with / Preserving filenames with formidable
- from.array method / How it works…
- from parameter / Custom events
- fs.exists method / How it works...
- fs.readFile method / How to do it..., How it works...
- fs.stat function / Reflecting content changes
- fs.stat method / Reflecting content changes, How it works..., How to do it…
- method / WebSockets as a development tool
- URL / WebSockets as a development tool
- fstats object / How it works…
- fullname property / How to do it…, How to do it…, How it works…
- functional module mock-up
- writing / Writing a functional module mock-up, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Writing a module use case example
- $.get method / How it works…
- generateTextFromHtml property / Creating HTML e-mails
- Github
- URL / Continuous deployment
- git pull command / How it works...
- Google Hot Trends
- cross referencing, with Twitter tweets / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- greater complexity
- preparing for / Preparing for greater complexity
- handleAbort variable / How it works...
- handler parameter / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- Hang-Up Signal (HUP)
- about / How it works...
- hardened hashing
- with PBKDF2 / Hardened hashing with PBKDF2
- hash functions
- URL / How it works...
- unique hashes, making with / Making unique hashes with HMAC
- hotTrends.xmlHandler method / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- hours variable / How it works…
- href attribute / Modifying the mounted login app, Eliminating cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
- HTML e-mails
- creating / Creating HTML e-mails
- http.createServer method / How to do it...
- http.get method / How to do it...
- http.request method / How to do it..., Sending POST requests
- HTTP client
- Node, using as / Using Node as an HTTP client, How to do it..., How it works..., Sending POST requests, Multipart file upload as a client
- enabling, in Express / HTTPS in Express
- https.Server function / Server Name Indication (SNI)
- HTTPS web server
- setting up / Setting up an HTTPS web server, Getting ready, There's more...
- id attribute / Uploading files via PUT
- include statement / Jade includes
- INCR command / Preparing for scalability
- indexing
- about / Indexing and aggregation
- inherit method / Making reusable streams
- initialization process / The initialization process
- init method / Creating a real-time widget
- insert method / How it works…
- inspect method / How to do it...
- INSTALL button / Introduction
- integrated testing
- Node Git hook, writing for / Writing a Node Git hook for integrated testing
- isUpdated variable / Reflecting content changes
- ix variable / Processing stream chunk buffers efficiently
- Jade
- about / How to do it...
- literal JavaScript, using / Literal JavaScript in Jade
- include statement / Jade includes
- jitsu
- database, provisioning with / Provisioning a database with jitsu
- JS-Git
- URL / How it works...
- object, converting to / Converting an object to JSON and back, How to do it…, How it works…
- jsonHander method / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- jsonHandler method / How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Constructing JSONP responses
- URL / Constructing JSONP responses
- JSONP responses
- constructing / Constructing JSONP responses
- JSONStream
- URL / WebSocket streams
- JSONStream.parse function / Chaining and filtering streams
- large file generation
- URL / Getting ready
- lastChanged variable / Reflecting content changes
- layout.jade
- using / Using layout.jade
- length property / How it works…
- using / Using LESS
- URL / Using LESS
- limit
- updating / Updating modifiers, sort, and limit
- Line Feed (LF) / Using sendmail as an alternative transport
- Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP) / Connecting and sending SQL to a MySQL server
- listen method / How it works...
- literal JavaScript
- used, in Jade / Literal JavaScript in Jade
- load function / Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- locals
- about / Locals
- log function / How it works…
- loop function / How it works...
- --max-old-space-size method / Protecting against process memory overruns
- Mailinator
- URL / How to do it...
- main property / Getting ready
- makeCall function / How to do it…
- mappings.sites object / How it works...
- md5 function / How to do it...
- message event / How it works...
- middleware
- URL / Picking apart app.js
- middleware method / How it works...
- mixin keyword / Modifying the profiler app
- mixins
- about / Mixins
- Mocha
- URL / How to do it…, Writing a Node Git hook for integrated testing
- modifiers
- updating / Updating modifiers, sort, and limit
- modifying operations
- locking, to admin user / Locking all modifying operations to an admin user
- module
- deploying, to npm / Deploying a module to npm, Getting ready, How to do it…, npm link
- module's request
- URL / How it works...
- module's wiki page
- URL / Node static
- module dependencies
- building, on update / Building module dependencies on update
- MongoDB
- data, retrieving with / Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Indexing and aggregation, Updating modifiers, sort, and limit, MongoDB without MongoDB
- data, storing with / Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Indexing and aggregation, Updating modifiers, sort, and limit, MongoDB without MongoDB
- without MongoDB / MongoDB without MongoDB
- MongoDB server
- URL / Getting ready
- mounted login app
- modifying / Modifying the mounted login app
- MP3 files
- URL / Getting ready
- mp3dat.stat method / How to do it…
- Mp3dat object / How to do it…
- mp3dat object
- stat function, adding to / Adding the stat function to the initialized mp3dat object
- mp3dat variable / How to do it…
- MPEG-1 layer 3 file retrieval
- URL / Getting ready
- msg parameter / How it works...
- msg property / Creating a database bridge
- Msysgit
- URL / How to do it...
- multilevel routing
- about / Simple multilevel routing
- multi method / Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- multipartAssembler function / Multipart file upload as a client
- multipart data
- uploading, as client / Multipart file upload as a client
- multiple instances
- allowing / Allowing multiple instances
- multiple processes
- hosting, from port 80 / Hosting multiple processes from port 80
- MX records
- URL / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- MySQL server
- SQL, sending to / Connecting and sending SQL to a MySQL server, How to do it…, There's more…, Using and cleaning user input, Receiving results from the MySQL server
- SQL, connecting to / Connecting and sending SQL to a MySQL server, How to do it…, There's more…, Using and cleaning user input, Receiving results from the MySQL server
- results, receiving from / Receiving results from the MySQL server
- .npmignore
- about / .npmignore and npm versions
- NeDB to MongoDB
- URL / MongoDB without MongoDB
- nested mixins parameter
- about / Nested mixins and rest parameters
- nested mixins rest parameter
- about / Nested mixins and rest parameters
- netcat
- URL / How to do it...
- network latency
- overcoming / Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- next parameter / Picking apart app.js
- ngSMS
- URL / Sending an SMS
- no-op function / Modifying the profiler app
- Node
- used, as HTTP client / Using Node as an HTTP client, How to do it..., How it works..., Sending POST requests, Multipart file upload as a client
- Node-based WebSocket client
- creating / Creating a Node-based WebSocket client
- Node Git hook
- writing, for integrated testing / Writing a Node Git hook for integrated testing
- Node installation
- URL / Getting ready
- via package manager, URL / Getting ready
- Nodejitsu
- URL / Getting ready
- Nodejitsu apps
- custom domains, assigning to / Assigning custom domains to Nodejitsu apps
- nodemailer
- using / How to do it...
- Node processes
- streaming / Streaming across Node processes, How to do it…, How it works…, Processing stream chunk buffers efficiently, Streaming over TCP
- Node Redis module
- speeding up / Speeding up the Node Redis module
- Node Static
- about / Node static
- NodeZoo
- URL / The routing modules
- changing / Changing NODE_ENV permanently
- nonce attribute / How it works...
- npm
- module, deploying to / Deploying a module to npm, Getting ready, How to do it…, npm link
- npm init command / Getting ready
- npm install command / How it works...
- npm link command / npm link
- npm rebuild command / Building module dependencies on update
- npm version
- about / .npmignore and npm versions
- object
- converting, to JSON / Converting an object to JSON and back, How to do it…, How it works…
- converting, to XML / Converting an object to XML and back, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…, Generating XML attributes and text nodes, Partial application
- Object.create method / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- Object Out of Bounds (OOB) / How it works...
- once method / How to do it...
- on method / How to do it...
- optimist module
- URL / Using and cleaning user input
- optional routes
- defining / Optional routes
- options method / Reading a CSV file
- other environments
- setting / Setting other environments
- other template engines
- using / Using other template engines
- output parameter / Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- Paas
- hosting with / Hosting with a Platform as a Service provider, How to do it..., How it works..., Provisioning a database with jitsu
- pagenum parameter / Route handling
- page variable / Views
- parseAuth function / How it works...
- parse method / How to do it...
- parseString function / Partial application
- parseString method / How it works…
- parseString variable / Partial application
- partial application
- about / Partial application
- path.basename method / How to do it...
- pathname property / How to do it...
- hardened hashing, using with / Hardened hashing with PBKDF2
- pcap
- used, to watch TCP traffic / Using pcap to watch TCP traffic
- performance
- optimizing, with streaming / Optimizing performance with streaming, How to do it..., How it works..., Protecting against process memory overruns
- pipe method / Playing with pipes, How it works…
- pipes
- playing with / Playing with pipes, How to do it…, Chaining and filtering streams, Preparing for greater complexity
- pop method / How it works…
- port
- forwarding / Port forwarding
- port 80
- multiple processes, hosting from / Hosting multiple processes from port 80
- port property / How it works...
- POST data
- processing / Processing POST data, How to do it..., How it works..., Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- accessing, with connect / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- accessing, with body-parser / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- accepting, formidable used / Using formidable to accept all POST data
- postData variable / How to do it...
- POST forms
- auto-securing, with CSRF elements / Auto-securing the POST forms with the CSRF elements
- POST method / How to do it...
- POST requests
- sending / Sending POST requests
- POST server
- protecting / How to do it...
- privileged ports
- authbind, used for / Using authbind for privileged ports
- process.argv property / How it works...
- process memory overruns
- protecting against / Protecting against process memory overruns
- profile object / How it works...
- profiler app
- modifying / Modifying the profiler app
- profiles.pull method / Route handling
- profiles variable / How it works…
- prototypical inheritance
- refactoring with / Refactoring with prototypical inheritance, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Adding the stat function to the initialized mp3dat object, Allowing multiple instances
- about / Refactoring with prototypical inheritance
- PUBLISH command / How it works…
- PubSub
- implementing, with Redis / Implementing PubSub with Redis, How to do it…, There's more…, Securing Redis from external connections
- push method / How it works…
- files, uploading via / Uploading files via PUT
- putty
- URL / How to do it...
- PUT upload stream example
- creating / Creating the PUT upload stream example
- qop attribute / How it works...
- query method / How to do it…
- querystring module
- parsing / Parsing the querystring module
- randomBytes method / Hardened hashing with PBKDF2
- rcpt variable / How it works...
- read's size argument
- using / Using read's size argument
- Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) / Accessing POST data with connect and body-parser
- read method / Using read's size argument, Consuming via the data event
- readStream method / How to do it...
- ready variable / How to do it…
- real-time widget
- creating / Creating a real-time widget, How to do it..., How it works..., Preparing for scalability, WebSockets as a development tool
- realm variable / Logging out of authenticated areas
- Redis
- data, retrieving with / Storing and retrieving data with Redis, How it works…, Speeding up the Node Redis module, Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- data, storing with / Storing and retrieving data with Redis, Getting ready, How it works…, Speeding up the Node Redis module, Overcoming network latency by pipelining commands
- securing, from external connections / Securing Redis from external connections
- Redis authentication
- about / Redis authentication
- remote add command / How it works...
- remote connections
- CouchDB HTTP interface, exposing to / Exposing the CouchDB HTTP interface to remote connections
- request module
- URL / WebSocket streams
- require function / How it works...
- res.render method / How to do it..., How it works...
- res.resume method / Consuming via the data event
- res.sid function / How it works...
- respawn limit violation
- detecting / Detecting a respawn limit violation
- respawn variable / How it works...
- response.end method / How it works...
- response.finished property / How it works...
- response parameter / How it works…
- REST architecture
- URL / Sending an SMS
- rest parameter
- about / Nested mixins and rest parameters
- result parameter / Indexing and aggregation
- results
- receiving, from MySQL server / Receiving results from the MySQL server
- resumes
- enabling, from broken downloads / Enabling a resume request from broken downloads
- reusable streams
- making / Making reusable streams
- rootName property / How it works…
- route
- handling / Route handling
- router
- setting up / Setting up a router, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., Simple multilevel routing, The routing modules
- routes/index.js
- loading / Looking into routes/index.js
- route validation
- about / Route validation
- routing modules
- about / The routing modules
- routing modules, Node
- URL / The routing modules
- used, with Socket.IO / Remote Procedure Calls with Socket.IO, How to do it..., How it works..., Remote Procedure Calls with SockJS
- using, with SockJS / Remote Procedure Calls with SockJS
- --save flag / Using other template engines
- safeMix function / Modifying the profiler app, Locals
- scalability
- preparing for / Preparing for scalability
- screen
- using / Using screen instead of nohup
- scripts.test property / Writing a Node Git hook for integrated testing
- scripts object / How it works...
- secureShare function / Server Name Indication (SNI)
- security risk anti-patterns
- identifying / Securing against filesystem hacking exploits, How to do it..., Whitelisting, Node static
- Send button / How to do it..., How to do it...
- sendfile method / How to do it...
- sendmail
- used, as alternative transport / Using sendmail as an alternative transport
- sendMail method / How it works...
- sendSms method / How it works...
- serialized data
- sending, from client to server / Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- serve method / How it works...
- server property / How it works...
- server tier environments
- managing / Managing server tier environments, How to do it..., Setting other environments, Changing NODE_ENV permanently
- session
- initializing / Initializing and using a session, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more..., Custom middleware for site-wide session management, Flash messages
- using / Initializing and using a session, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more..., Custom middleware for site-wide session management, Flash messages
- set command / Changing NODE_ENV permanently
- setx command / Changing NODE_ENV permanently
- should.js
- unit tests, using with / Unit tests with should.js
- should methods
- URL / Unit tests with should.js
- sides parameter / Nested mixins and rest parameters
- Simple API for XML (SAX) / How it works…
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) / Getting ready
- site-wide session management
- custom middleware, used for / Custom middleware for site-wide session management
- size parameter / How it works…
- size property / How it works...
- slice method / How it works...
- sending / Sending an SMS, Getting ready, How to do it..., Making an automated phone call
- SMTP server
- creating / Creating an SMTP server, How to do it..., How it works..., Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- smtp variable / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- SNI / Server Name Indication (SNI)
- Socket.IO
- Cross-browser real-time logic, using with / Cross-browser real-time logic with Socket.IO, Getting ready, How to do it..., Custom events
- URL / Cross-browser real-time logic with Socket.IO
- RPC, using with / Remote Procedure Calls with Socket.IO, How to do it..., How it works..., Remote Procedure Calls with SockJS
- socket.join method / How it works...
- socket.send method / How it works...
- socket parameter / How it works...
- SockJS
- about / Remote Procedure Calls with SockJS
- RPC, using with / Remote Procedure Calls with SockJS
- sort
- updating / Updating modifiers, sort, and limit
- spawnInstance method / Allowing multiple instances
- connecting, to MySQL server / Connecting and sending SQL to a MySQL server, How to do it…, There's more…, Using and cleaning user input
- sending, to MySQL server / Connecting and sending SQL to a MySQL server, How to do it…, There's more…, Using and cleaning user input
- SSH protocol
- URL / Getting ready
- URL / Implementing Basic Authentication
- Basic Authentication, securing with / Securing Basic Authentication with SSL/TLS
- start property / How it works...
- stat
- and statStream, merging / Merging stat and statStream
- stat function
- adding, to initialized mp3dat object / Adding the stat function to the initialized mp3dat object
- static files
- serving / Serving static files, How to do it..., How it works...
- stat method / How to do it…, How it works…, How to do it…, How it works…
- stats object / How to do it…, How to do it…, Integrating the EventEmitter
- statStream
- and stat, merging / Merging stat and statStream
- statStream method / How to do it…, How it works…, Creating the STDIN stream example
- STDIN stream example
- creating / Creating the STDIN stream example
- store parameter / Making reusable streams
- stream
- about / Introduction
- stream.pipe method / How to do it..., How it works...
- stream chunk buffers
- processing / Processing stream chunk buffers efficiently
- streaming
- performance, optimizing with / Optimizing performance with streaming, How to do it..., How it works..., Protecting against process memory overruns
- stream interfaces
- making / Making stream interfaces, How to do it…, How it works…, Making reusable streams, Transform streams
- stream property / How it works…
- streams
- URL / Introduction
- consuming / Consuming streams, How to do it…, How it works…, Using read's size argument, Consuming via the data event
- chaining / Chaining and filtering streams
- filtering / Chaining and filtering streams
- streamStat method / Merging stat and statStream
- String.replace method / How it works…
- Styles
- about / Styles
- subdomain property
- URL / How it works...
- superagent
- URL / How it works...
- supervisor module
- URL / Getting ready
- <tr> tag / How it works...
- streaming over / Streaming over TCP
- communicating with / Communicating with TCP, How to do it..., How it works..., Port forwarding, Using pcap to watch TCP traffic
- TCP traffic
- watching, pcap used / Using pcap to watch TCP traffic
- URL / Creating a test-driven module specification
- template engines
- URL / Templating in Express
- template engines, comparisons
- URL / Templating in Express
- test-driven module specification
- creating / Creating a test-driven module specification, How to do it…, There's more…, Unit tests with should.js
- testFile variable / How to do it…
- text nodes
- generating / Generating XML attributes and text nodes
- this object / Integrating the EventEmitter
- throttle function / How to do it...
- timeProcessor function / How it works…, How to do it…
- timestamp property / Protecting against process memory overruns
- toString method / Making an automated phone call
- transform function / Manipulating the CSV data stream
- transform method / Manipulating the CSV data stream
- transform stream
- about / Transform streams
- transport.close method / How it works...
- trending tweets
- fetching / Working with real data – fetching trending tweets, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- trends property / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- tweetPath method / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- Twilio account
- URL / Getting ready
- Twilio dashboard
- URL / How to do it...
- Twilio Markup Language (TwiML) / Making an automated phone call
- Twilio numbers account section
- URL / How to do it...
- TwimlResponse method / Making an automated phone call
- Twitter tweets
- Google Hot Trends, cross referencing with / Cross referencing Google Hot Trends with Twitter tweets
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) / Setting up a router
- unique hashes
- making, with HMAC / Making unique hashes with HMAC
- unit tests
- used, with should.js / Unit tests with should.js
- updateProfiles function / Sending serialized data from the client to the server
- Upstart
- URL / Getting ready
- uRealm property / Logging out of authenticated areas
- uri attribute / How it works...
- url.parse method / Parsing the querystring module
- urlOpts variable / Sending POST requests
- user input
- using / Using and cleaning user input
- cleaning / Using and cleaning user input
- username attribute / How it works...
- username parameter / Logging out of authenticated areas
- user property / How it works..., Custom middleware for site-wide session management
- users variable / Receiving e-mails from external SMTP servers
- validate function / Flash messages
- validOpts variable / How it works…
- views
- about / Views
- virtual hosting
- implementing / Implementing a virtual hosting paradigm, How to do it..., How it works..., Virtual hosting Express apps, Server Name Indication (SNI)
- Express apps / Virtual hosting Express apps
- SNI / Server Name Indication (SNI)
- Virtual Private Servers (VPS) / Deploying an app to a server environment
- visitTag method / Auto-securing the POST forms with the CSRF elements
- WebSockets
- used, as development tool / WebSockets as a development tool
- WebSocket server
- creating / Creating a WebSocket server, How to do it..., How it works..., Creating a Node-based WebSocket client, WebSocket streams
- WebSocket stream
- about / WebSocket streams
- whitelisting
- about / Whitelisting
- writable._write method / How it works…
- writeStream function / How it works...
- ws module
- URL / Getting ready
- object, converting to / Converting an object to XML and back, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…, Generating XML attributes and text nodes, Partial application
- XML attributes
- generating / Generating XML attributes and text nodes