Introducing the AUTOSAR Software Layers
By now, you have learned about AUTOSAR, its challenges, and its development by a group of collaborators who joined forces to create it. But what is AUTOSAR exactly?
Consider AUTOSAR as a collection of modular elements that create a base platform upon which automotive applications can be built. Similar to how building blocks can be used to construct various structures, AUTOSAR offers a range of standardized modules and software components (SWCs) that can be combined to create diverse automotive systems.
What is an SWC?
In AUTOSAR, an SWC is a modular, reusable, and self-contained piece of functionality that encapsulates a specific part of a software application and represents various types of functionalities, such as sensor data processing, actuator control, or complex algorithms. AUTOSAR offers a standardized way of defining these components besides offering standardized interfaces to the underlying service components.
AUTOSAR can...