As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
adding 7-12
discovering 5-7
value, resetting 12
block-based editor 3
Block Editor 4
block first 15
block.json 84
Block Pattern Directory 115
block patterns 89, 90
benefits 90, 91
creating 97-102
creating, in theme 106, 107
detaching 109-111
discovering, in editor 91-94
reusable blocks, using 111
sharing 102
sharing, by copying 102
sharing, by viewing 103-105
sharing, in theme 106, 107
block style 51-84
adding, from Twenty Twenty-Four theme 54, 55
adding, with JavaScript 54
adding, with PHP 54
Create Block Theme plugin, using 55-57
PHP, using 57-59
removing 55
block style approach
creating 60
in JavaScript 65-68
PHP, with inline CSS 60-63
PHP, with stylesheet 63-65
block style, tips and...