In this section, we collect the most important tools for raising an AssertionError. We saw the command assert and three tools from unittest, namely assertAlmostEqual, assertEqual, and assertRaises. The following table (Table 15.1) summarizes the most important assertion tools and the related modules:
Assertion tool and application example |
Module |
assert 5==5 |
– |
assertEqual(5.27, 5.27) |
unittest.TestCase |
assertAlmostEqual(5.24, 5.2,places = 1) |
unittest.TestCase |
assertTrue(5 > 2) |
unittest.TestCase |
assertFalse(2 < 5) |
unittest.TestCase |
assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError,lambda x: 1/x,0.) |
unittest.TestCase |
assertIn(3,{3,4}) |
unittest.TestCase |
assert_array_equal(A,B) |
numpy.testing |
assert_array_almost_equal(A, B, decimal=5) |
numpy.testing |
assert_allclose(A, B, rtol=1.e-3,atol=1.e-5) |
numpy.testing |