Making titles
We are going to look at some possibilities for creating title text by using methods we have just learned in this chapter. The title text is not only for telling us what the manga is called but also for showing the feeling and tone of the content, such as thriller, horror, romance, comedy, fashion, or tragedy. Let’s have a look at the potential of title texts.
Figure 11.31 shows a title for a light-hearted manga story. I used a ready-made font and added a vector cloud drawing, then finally gave them the same color. The cloud shape is placed like a crown on top of the title, to emphasize the theme “sky.” That’s also the reason for the blue color.

Figure 11.31: Fluffy Sky title text
Figure 11.32 shows the second example, which is a title for a science fiction, horror manga. I used a ready-made font and then fading, scratching, and dripping textures were added using ink tools. There is only a white color on a black background...