Chapter 15. Oliver Schoenborn

Oliver Schoenborn is a Canadian software developer and independent software developer. Past roles have included working as a simulation consultant at CAE Inc and as a visualization software developer at the National Research Council Canada. Oliver is passionate about connecting with the business and government communities. He is the author of Pypubsub (hosted at, a Python package that gives users a simple way to decouple parts of their event-based application. Oliver regularly updates Pypubsub and contributes to the wxPython mailing list.
Discussion themes: Pypubsub, Python in AI, Python's future.
Catch up with Oliver Schoenborn here: @schollii2
Mike Driscoll: So let's start with your background. Why did you decide to become a programmer?
Oliver Schoenborn: Well, a buddy at school was selling his Apple IIe. I had never done programming before that, but I decided to buy his used computer. I was 14 at...