Chapter #81. Make it Easy for Users to Pay You
The routes by which products are paid for are many and varied, but there is often the need for a product to ask a user to upgrade and enter some payment details.
Time and again, these interactions fall short of top-quality usability. Be they complex credit card forms, asking for too much information on lengthy order forms, or unclear pricing plan details, it's a massive missed opportunity.
To some extent, this is a solved problem in mobile apps—both iOS and Android include extensive support for in-app purchases and subscriptions. The user likely has their payment details saved and it's often a one-tap action to make a purchase.

The Shopify checkout experience is well-tested and almost perfect
Out on the web, however, it's a different story. Although popular online stores like Shopify have helped to standardize this to some extent, it's often far too confusing and over-complicated in many products.
First up, there's pricing pages. Many pricing pages...