46.7 Removing Navigation Features
As outlined in “A Guide to the Android Studio Layout Editor Tool”, the Basic Activity template contains multiple fragments and buttons to navigate from one fragment to the other. For the purposes of this tutorial, these features are unnecessary and will cause problems later if not removed. Before moving ahead with the tutorial, modify the project as follows:
1. Within the Project tool window, navigate to and double-click on the app -> res -> navigation -> nav_graph.xml file to load it into the navigation editor.
2. Within the editor, select the SecondFragment entry in the Destinations panel and tap the keyboard delete key to remove it from the graph.
3. Locate and delete the SecondFragment.java (app -> java -> <package name> -> SecondFragment) and fragment_second.xml (app -> res -> layout -> fragment_second.xml) files.
4. Locate the FirstFragment.java file, double click on it to load it into...