Moodle repositories
File picker is central to almost all file operations in Moodle. Files can be selected from a wide range of sources known in Moodle as repositories. Moodle repositories are accessed by navigating to Plugins | Repositories | Manage repositories:

Each repository has one of the following three states:
Enabled and visible: The repository will be available throughout the system.
Enabled but hidden: Already set up repositories will be available, but no new instances can be created. This only applies to repositories that allow multiple instances (discussed later in this section).
Disabled: The repository is not available in your Moodle system.
The order in which the repositories are listed reflects the order in which the repositories appear in File picker. This can be changed using the up and down arrows. As soon as a repository has been enabled, a Settings link will be displayed for almost all the repositories. Every repository has a repository plugin name
parameter that lets...