Miscellaneous plugins
There are a number of additional plugin types that are used less frequently than the ones already covered. It is expected that more will be added to these categories in the future, either as part of the Moodle core or third-party add-ons.
Course formats
Course formats drive the way learning content is displayed in courses. Moodle drives four course formats; additional formats can either be downloaded from https://moodle.org/ or be custom developed. Three popular third-party course formats are the Grid format (https://moodle.org/plugins/format_grid), Collapsed Topics format (see installation later in the chapter), and the Socialwall format, which mimics a Facebook-like course layout (https://moodle.org/plugins/format_socialwall).

You can Enable and disable course formats and change the order of their appearance via the Up/Down arrows. Once uninstalled, the source of the format has to be removed at the system level to avoid reinstallation. Some course formats have settings...