Microservices capability model
In the service-oriented world, there are reference architectures available, which can be used as a basis for SOA implementations. For example, a comprehensive SOA Reference Architecture is defined by The Open Group, which is available for public reference.
The Open Group SOA Reference Architecture is available at http://www.opengroup.org/soa/source-book/soa_refarch/index.htm.
However, there is no standard or reference architecture for microservices. It is still an evolving space. Many of the architectures available publicly today are from tool vendors, and they seem to be inclined towards their own tools stack.
The microservices capability model defined in this chapter is based on design guidelines, common patterns, and best practice solutions for designing and developing microservices.
The following diagram depicts the microservices capability model, which will be used as a reference model for the rest of the chapters in this book:

The capability model is broadly...