8.3 Multi-qubit gates
A quantum gate operation on one qubit has a 2-by-2 unitary square matrix relative to some basis, as we saw in section 5.9. For two qubits, the matrix is 4-by-4. For ten, it is 210-by-210, which is 1,024-by-1,024. We now look at how to work with common lower-dimensional gates, allowing you to extrapolate to larger ones.
We can tensor any two 1-qubit gates to create a 2-qubit gate. For example,

Let’s examine what we get when we tensor together multiple 1-qubit Hadamard H gates.
8.3.1 The quantum H⊗n gate
We start by looking at what applying a Hadamard H to each qubit in a 2-qubit system means. The H gate has the matrix gate$H`gate-style gate$H⊗n`gate-style gate$Hadamard H`gate-style gate$H⊗1`gate-style

operating on C2. Starting with the two qubit states

applying H to each qubit means to compute

which is the same as...