Other technologies
In the previous sections, we have implemented an architecture based on the most common technologies. There are other technologies that can replace the ones we propose. In this section, we will learn about some of them.
Other open source technologies for analytics
Airflow is, without a doubt, a very valid platform for building analytics. We can also implement our analytics on other data platforms. Here is a short list of them:
- Apache Flink is a data-stream processor with great support for streaming analytics. The major advantage of Flink is that it has stateful support.
- Dagster is a valid alternative to Airflow.
- Kedro simplifies the data pipeline.
- Kubeflow is based on Kubernetes and Docker to orchestrate data flow among dockers.
- Apache NiFi is a powerful Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) orchestrator system.
- Luigi is a very thin orchestrator analytic platform.
- Apache Spark is the most popular framework for big data and stream processing...