Appendix 1.1: Isosurfaces (800 mm and 1200 mm precipitation) visualized on the Digital Elevation Model of Slovakia provided by the sample slovakia3d dataset for GRASS GIS:

Appendix 1.2: The same map we created in Chapter 2, Accessing GIS Data With QGIS, only with a CRS using an Albers Conic projection (EPSG:102008). The map is not North-aligned; therefore, a north arrow was used with the North alignment parameter set to True north:

Appendix 1.3: Some of the basic geoalgorithms visualized. a: the two input layers (A and B per GRASS's v.overlay), b: clip (and), c: union (or), d: difference (nor), e: symmetrical difference (xor):

Appendix 1.4: Some of the Coordinate Reference System's PostGIS support. The selected one is the EPSG:4326 CRS used by the book in the early chapters:

Appendix 1.5: Settlement data of my study area downloaded from the OpenStreetMap...