Makeover example four
In this exercise, we are going to attempt to create perfect-looking skin tones by retouching this portrait using the Spot Healing Brush.
Problem: The client has poor skin (acne) and needs good publicity head shots for their new job.
Solution: Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool and the Healing Brush Tools to remove all signs of skin imperfections.
Outcome: Produce a professionally retouched portrait.
Photoshop Elements has two Healing Brushes. The Spot Healing Brush effectively copies pixels from just outside of the brush shape (called the Source area) and pastes them into the brush area (the Target area) while blending and matching the tone of the outside pixels with those on the inside. It's simple, easy to use, fast, and very effective.
For the best results, try to keep the size of the brush to about the same size, or a little larger, than the affected area. Too big and it will copy unwanted detail into the target area, as well as good pixels.

The Healing Brush, on...