Are all of the following true for you:
- You need a version control system to track any changes made to your files
- You work with many people
- You need to work either remotely or offline frequently
Then, you need git:

git (
The git is an open source version control system. Whether you are working on a small project or a huge one, git is a good option. Its speed and flexibility make it an awesome choice.
Here's how git works:
git works with your local copy and can be performed when you're offline:
- Whenever you save your work, git creates an image of your files, also known as a commit
- Each time this commit is created, it links to your other commits, which means that there's a change of all activities on your files
- Whenever you (or someone else on your team) make changes, your commit creates a record of it
- You can use this to reverse changes and return to a previous commit
Another benefit of git is how files are handled. Files exist as modified, staged, or committed. In the modified...