Using auto actions
In this section, we are going to learn how to use auto actions with the eighth auto action in the Default set, Bright colors emit light (glow), because it’s the easiest action set to see the result of.
In the main window of the Auto Action palette are the names of the auto actions we can choose from. The right arrow to the left of the action’s name can be clicked on to view the recorded steps that comprise the action. In Figure 17.6, the steps under the Bright colors emit light (glow) action are shown.

Figure 17.6: Auto Action palette (2)
In the preceding screenshot, you can see that there are two rows of checkboxes on the left-hand side of the palette, next to the names of both the auto actions and the steps that they consist of. The first column (the one that has all the boxes checked in the screenshot) controls which steps or which entire actions are able to be played. If the checkbox is empty, then that step or action will not...