Smart weather system
A weather system can determine a lot of variables and parameters related to the environment. In this section, we will stick to a few sensors to build a Smart Weather System that will measure air temperature, air pressure, and air humidity. You will need the following things:
- Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- Pressure Sensor
- A 16x2 LCD Display
- Arduino Board
- Jumper wires
The Humidity and Temperature sensor we will use here is a common sensor (DHT11 or DHT22). The following image shows a DHT11 sensor:

We will use a pressure sensor (BMP180). The following image shows a BMP180 pressure sensor:

We already know how we can connect the LCD board. So let's skip this part for now. We will connect the other two sensors to the Arduino board.
The DHT11 has three pins, GND, VCC, and DAT.
Connect the GND pin to the Arduino GND pin, the VCC pin to the 5V pin, and the DAT pin to the digital pin 3 (or any digital pin you want). See the following figure for clarification:

To get data from...