pandas is an open source library that provides data structures and analysis tools for Python. pandas is a powerful library, and several books describe how to use pandas for data analysis. We will use a few of pandas's convenient tools for importing data and calculating summary statistics. Pillow is a fork of the Python Imaging Library, which provides a variety of image processing features. NLTK is a library for working with human language. As for scikit-learn, pip is the preferred installation method for pandas, Pillow, and NLTK. Execute the following command in a terminal emulator:
$ pip install pandas pillow nltk
Matplotlib is a library for easily creating plots, histograms, and other charts with Python. We will use it to visualize training data and models. Matplotlib has several dependencies. Like pandas, matplotlib depends on NumPy, which should already be installed. On Ubuntu 16.04, matplotlib and its dependencies can be installed with:
$ sudo apt install python-matplotlib
Binaries for Mac OS and Windows 10 can be downloaded from