Making an arcade cabinet for Banana Pro
All the preceding games are set up in the arcade cabinet software environment, and now, we will build a portable arcade cabinet using Banana Pro. There are many different arcade cabinet shapes on the Internet; you can also build one like those shown on the Internet.
Preparing the materials
In order to build a nice and cool arcade cabinet, we first need to prepare some necessary materials.
A suitcase
In order to take the Banana Pro arcade emulator walkaround, we need to first prepare a suitcase to put Banana Pro, joysticks, LCD, and so on inside it. We can either buy one or find something that looks like this:

A joystick
The default controller method uses a keyboard. As we would make an arcade cabinet, we should also play a game with a joystick. We can find many different USB joysticks in online shops.

We can then break a joystick, and take out its button, stick, and circuit aboard. We will put all of these into a suitcase.

A micro USB extended line
In order...