Image Proxy – helping to transform images on the fly
The Image Proxy service is a standalone, but complementary, service to the Storage service. It is used internally by the aforementioned storage service to pre-render images; for example, if you only need a thumbnail of a saved image and not the full resolution, you can use the Image Proxy service.
In the following figure, you’ll see a flow diagram illustrating what happens when you request a resized image from Supabase:

Figure 1.7: The service flow when requesting a resized image
In the figure, you requested a file called cat.jpg
, which we assume is high-resolution, and you want it to be downscaled to a size of 120 pixels. In that case, the Storage service will download the file from the S3 and pass it on to the ImageProxy service, which returns it to the Storage service after the transformation. The Storage service will then pass the result on to the one who requested it.
With the...