Interact with different services.
Interact with other services via events.
Monitor multiple services at once.
Deploy and run the services locally and in Kubernetes
In this course, you will learn how to split an existing application into smaller services and what you need to build, deploy, and run it. You will learn how you can use Docker to support your local development and how you can utilize it to run your application in the cloud. To work with multiple services, you will need (for example) service discovery and reverse proxies. To be able to maintain the development pace, you also need to break up your user interface, so every service can serve its own UI, and you need to learn how to communicate with these services synchronously using REST and asynchronously using events. To run your application, you need to know what is going on in your distributed application, so monitoring and tracing calls is an important topic as well, and one that you'll learn about. So overall, this course will give you valuable insights and recipes with which to create your own distributed application, for deployment to the cloud.
You will also see what needs to be done to upgrade a Spring Boot 1.x service to Spring Boot 2 with the recent Spring Cloud release.
The code bundle for this video course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Microservices-with-Spring-Cloud
This Course will be beneficial for intermediate and expert Spring developers, cloud computing enthusiasts, Web developers, and Spring enthusiasts, and will help them delve into, and understand advanced Spring Cloud concepts.
Understanding and learning microservices.
Setting up microservices.
Making a bookmark application cloud-ready.
Combining independent microservice UIs to a coherent user interface.