- ABB-IRB6640 robot
- MoveIt! IKFast plugin, creating / Creating the MoveIt! IKFast plugin for the ABB-IRB6640 robot
- ABB robots
- MoveIt! configuration, working with / Working with MoveIt! configuration of ABB robots
- visualizing, in RViz / Visualizing the ABB robot model in RViz
- Accelerometer ADXL 335 / Arduino-ROS, example - AccelerometerADXL 335
- actuators
- adding, Arduino used / Using Arduino to add sensors and actuators
- Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL)
- about / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization, Configuring the Navigation stack for Chefbot, Mapping and localization
- reference / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- ADAS systems
- reference / Ultrasonic sensors
- adb command / Building a ROS-VR Android application
- advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) / Camera
- AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) / Building social robots, Getting started with AIML
- AIML ROS package
- aiml_server node / The AIML ROS package
- aiml_client node / The AIML ROS package
- aiml_tts_client node / The AIML ROS package
- aiml_speech_recognition_client node / The AIML ROS package
- AIML tags
- about / AIML tags
- aiml / AIML tags
- category / AIML tags
- pattern / AIML tags
- reference / AIML tags
- algorithms, Point Cloud Library / Algorithms in PCL
- AlphaGo
- about / Deep learning for robotics
- reference / Deep learning for robotics
- AMCL / Understanding AMCL
- analog-to-digital converter (ADC) / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) / Making your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- Android-ROS application
- code / Code walkthrough
- Android-ROS publisher-subscriber application / Android-ROS publisher-subscriber application
- android-sdk
- installing, from Ubuntu package manager / Installing android-sdk from the Ubuntu package manager
- installing, from prebuilt binaries / Installing android-sdk from prebuilt binaries
- Android core libraries
- reference / Getting started with Android and its ROS interface
- Android Debug Bridge / Building a ROS-VR Android application
- Android device
- ROS master, making / Making the Android device the ROS master
- Android Package Kit (APK) / Getting started with Android and its ROS interface
- Android phone
- used, for teleoperating / Teleoperating using an Android phone
- APK Editor
- download link / Troubleshooting
- Applanix module driver
- reference / Interfacing GPS with ROS
- Arduino
- used, for adding sensors / Using Arduino to add sensors and actuators
- used, for adding actuators / Using Arduino to add sensors and actuators
- used, for controlling robot platform / Robot platform controlled by ROS and Arduino
- robot motors, connecting to ROS / Connecting your robot motors to ROS using Arduino
- used, for monitoring light / Monitoring light using Arduino and ROS
- MPU-9250, interfacing with / Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
- Arduino-compatible boards / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- Arduino-ROS interface
- about / Understanding the Arduino-ROS interface, What is the Arduino-ROS interface?
- rosserial package / Understanding the rosserial package in ROS
- blink LED / Arduino-ROS, example - blink LED and push button
- push button / Arduino-ROS, example - blink LED and push button
- Accelerometer ADXL 335 / Arduino-ROS, example - AccelerometerADXL 335
- ultrasonic distance sensor / Arduino-ROS, example - ultrasonic distance sensor
- Odometry Publisher / Arduino-ROS, example - Odometry Publisher
- Non-Arduino boards, interfacing to ROS / Interfacing Non-Arduino boards to ROS
- setting, on Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2 / Setting ROS on Odroid-C1 and RaspberryPi 2
- OS image , installing to Odroid-C1 / How to install an OS image to Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- Raspberry Pi 2, connecting from PC / Connecting to Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2 from a PC
- Odroid-C1, connecting from PC / Connecting to Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2 from a PC
- Ethernet hotspot, configuring / Configuring an Ethernet hotspot for Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- blinking LED / Blinking LED using ROS on Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- push button + blink LED / Push button + blink LED using ROS on Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- Arduino boards
- about / An introduction to Arduino boards
- selecting, for robot / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- speed / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- GPIO pins / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- voltage levels, working / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- flash memory / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- cost / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- STM32 Launchpad / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- TI Launchpads / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- Tiva C Launchpad / The Tiva C Launchpad
- reference / The Tiva C Launchpad
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- ROS, executing on Raspberry Pi board / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- ROS, executing on Odroid board / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- Arduino IDE
- reference / Installing rosserial packages on Ubuntu 14.04/15.04, Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- Arduino usage
- example program, creating for / Creating an example program to use Arduino
- Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity (A.L.I.C.E.) / Getting started with AIML
- ARToolkit
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- ArUco
- reference / Perception
- ASIMOV Robotics
- reference / Interfacing seven DOF Dynamixel based robotic arm to ROS MoveIt!
- Astra camera
- reference / Interfacing robot hardware with ROS
- Asus Xtion pro / Including other xacro files
- ATMega328 microcontroller / Using a low-cost IMU - 9 degrees of freedom
- Auro robotics
- reference / History of autonomous vehicles
- about / History of autonomous vehicles
- autonomous vehicles, history
- levels of autonomy / Levels of autonomy
- AX-12A
- reference / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- bag file
- about / What is a bag file?
- data, recording in / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- playing back / Playing back a bag file
- topics, inspecting in / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- messages, inspecting in / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- bags / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Bags
- base controller
- creating / Creating a base controller, Creating our base controller
- base plate / The base plate
- basic applications
- creating, ROS-Android interface used / Creating basic applications using the ROS-Android interface
- basic ROS functions, MATLAB / Basic ROS functions in MATLAB
- BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- about / Installing ROS
- ROS, installing in / Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
- ROS example / Basic ROS example on the BeagleBone Black
- Berkeley Vision and Learning Centre (BVLC) / Deep learning libraries
- best practices
- C++ coding style guide / ROS C++ coding style guide
- blink LED / Arduino-ROS, example - blink LED and push button
- block diagram, face_tracker_node
- Face Haar classifier / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- track.yaml / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- usb_cam node / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- face_tracker_control package / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- broadcaster
- creating / Creating a broadcaster
- Buddy
- about / Social robots
- reference / Social robots
- build space / The workspace
- Caffe
- about / Deep learning libraries
- reference / Deep learning libraries
- calibration pattern / Camera calibration, How to calibrate a camera
- camera / Camera
- camera input images
- visualizing, with rqt_image_view / Visualizing the camera input images with rqt_image_view
- camera pose calibration / Camera pose calibration
- caster wheel design
- about / The caster wheel design
- reference / The caster wheel design
- catkin_lint tool / Dealing with the unexpected
- centroid / Understanding the face tracker code
- Chefbot
- about / Introduction to Chefbot- a DIY mobile robot and its hardware configuration
- requirements / Introduction to Chefbot- a DIY mobile robot and its hardware configuration
- hardware configuration / Introduction to Chefbot- a DIY mobile robot and its hardware configuration
- firmware, flashing with Energia IDE / Flashing Chefbot firmware using Energia IDE
- Navigation stack, configuring / Configuring the Navigation stack for Chefbot
- simulating / Simulating Chefbot
- URDF model, building / Building the URDF model of Chefbot
- simulation, executing / Running the simulation
- Gmapping in / Gmapping and localization in Chefbot
- localization in / Gmapping and localization in Chefbot
- Chefbot interface packages
- on ROS / Discussing Chefbot interface packageson ROS
- Chefbot ROS driver nodes
- executing / Running Chefbot ROS driver nodes
- Chefbot simulation
- working with / Working with Chefbot simulation
- room, building in Gazebo / Building a room in Gazebo
- client package, ROS-Industrial robot
- about / ROS-Industrial robot client package
- industrial robot client nodes, designing / Designing industrial robot client nodes
- Code Composer Studio (CCS) / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- coding styles
- reference / ROS code documentation, Console output
- COLLADA file, robot
- creating, for working with OpenRave / Creating the COLLADA file of a robot to work with OpenRave
- collision object
- adding, in MoveIT! / Adding a collision object in MoveIt!
- removing, from planning scene / Removing a collision object from the planning scene
- communication
- to ROS network, from MATLAB / Communicating from MATLAB to a ROS network
- conditional messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- Continental ARS 300 radar (ARS)
- reference / Continental ARS 300 radar (ARS)
- controller package
- creating, for cool arm robot / Creating a controller package for COOL arm robot
- convolution neural network (CNN) / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- COOL arm-5000 / Interfacing seven DOF Dynamixel based robotic arm to ROS MoveIt!
- COOL arm robot
- controller package, creating / Creating a controller package for COOL arm robot
- MoveIt! configuration / MoveIt! configuration of the COOL Arm
- core dumps
- enabling, for ROS nodes / Enabling core dumps for ROS nodes
- costmap
- configuring / Configuring the costmaps - global_costmap and local_costmap
- common parameters, configuring / Configuring the common parameters
- global costmap, configuring / Configuring the global costmap
- local costmap, configuring / Configuring the local costmap
- base local planner configuration / Base local planner configuration
- cuDNN
- reference / Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- 2D models
- building, of robot body / Building 2D and 3D models of the robot body
- 3D meshes
- object, recognizing / Detecting and recognizing objects from 3D meshes
- object, detecting / Detecting and recognizing objects from 3D meshes
- 3D models
- used, for training object / Training using 3D models of an object
- captured, from training / Training from captured 3D models
- building, of robot body / Building 2D and 3D models of the robot body
- 3D object recognition / Getting started with 3D object recognition
- 3D object recognition packages
- in ROS / Introduction to 3D object recognition packages in ROS
- 3D viewer
- creating, in web browser / Creating a 3D viewer inside a web browser
- 3D visualization / 3D visualization
- 9 Degree of Freedom (DoF) / Using a low-cost IMU - 9 degrees of freedom
- Dagu encoders / Connecting encoders to your robot
- DARPA Grand Challenge
- about / History of autonomous vehicles
- reference / History of autonomous vehicles
- data
- saving / Saving and playing back data
- playing back / Saving and playing back data
- recording, in bag file / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- Dataspeed
- reference / Interfacing a DBW car with ROS
- DBW car
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing a DBW car with ROS
- packages, installing / Installing packages
- self-driving cars, visualizing / Visualizing the self-driving car and sensor data
- sensor data, visualizing / Visualizing the self-driving car and sensor data
- communicating, from ROS / Communicating with DBW from ROS
- DBW methods, of installation
- reference / Installing packages
- Debayer algorithm / FireWire IEEE1394 cameras
- deep learning
- about / Introduction to deep learning and its applications
- applications / Introduction to deep learning and its applications
- deep learning, for robotics
- deep-learning-based object detector / Deep learning for robotics
- speech recognition / Deep learning for robotics
- SLAM and localization / Deep learning for robotics
- autonomous vehicles / Deep learning for robotics
- deep reinforcement learning / Deep learning for robotics
- deep learning, libraries
- about / Deep learning libraries
- TensorFlow / Deep learning libraries
- Theano / Deep learning libraries
- Torch / Deep learning libraries
- Caffe / Deep learning libraries
- degrees of freedom (DOF) / Mathematical model of a differential drive robot
- Delphi radar
- reference / Delphi radar
- Depth Image Occupancy Map Updater / Working with perception using MoveIt! and Gazebo
- depthimage_to_laserscan
- reference / OpenNI depth sensor
- depth sensors
- used, for executing find_object_2d nodes / Running find_object_2d nodes using depth sensors
- design values / Design summary
- development space / The workspace
- Diagnostic Visualizer
- reference / Playing with the Leap Motion visualizer tool
- differential drive mobile robot
- robot model, creating / Creating a robot model for the differential drive mobile robot
- differential drive robot
- mathematical model / Mathematical model of a differential drive robot
- differential wheeled robot
- simulating, in Gazebo / Simulating a differential wheeled robot in Gazebo
- digital motion processor (DMP) / Setting up the project
- disk dump (dd) / Installation in Linux
- Disk Dump (DD) / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- distance measurement indicator (DMI) / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- Docker
- about / Using ROS from a Docker image
- reference / Using ROS from a Docker image
- installing / Installing Docker
- Docker hub
- reference / Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
- Docker image
- Robot Operating System (ROS), using from / Using ROS from a Docker image
- DOF Dynamixel based robotic arm
- interfacing, to ROS MoveIt! / Interfacing seven DOF Dynamixel based robotic arm to ROS MoveIt!
- Doxygen
- reference / ROS code documentation
- drive-by-wire (DBW) / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- dynamic link libraries (.DLL) / Understanding pluginlib
- dynamic parameters
- about / Dynamic parameters
- setting / Setting dynamic parameters
- Dynamic Reconfigure utility / Dynamic parameters
- Dynamixel
- using / Using servomotors - Dynamixel
- commands, receiving for movements / How does Dynamixel send and receive commands for the movements?
- commands, sending for movements / How does Dynamixel send and receive commands for the movements?
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing Dynamixel with ROS
- Dynamixel actuators
- interfacing / Interfacing Dynamixel actuators to ROS
- reference / Interfacing Dynamixel actuators to ROS
- Dynamixel ROS Servo controllers
- used, for robot hardware interfacing / Understanding Dynamixel ROS Servo controllers for robot hardware interfacing
- Dynamixel Servos / The Dynamixel Servos
- Dynamixel-ROS interface / Dynamixel-ROS interface
- Dynamixel Servos / The Dynamixel Servos
- Eclipse IDE
- setting up, on Ubuntu 14.04.3 / Setting up Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 14.04.3
- reference / Setting up Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 14.04.3
- ROS development environment, setting up / Setting ROS development environment in Eclipse IDE
- global settings / Global settings in Eclipse IDE
- ROS compile script / ROS compile script for Eclipse IDE
- ROS Catkin package, adding / Adding ROS Catkin package to Eclipse
- run configurations, adding / Adding run configurations to run ROS nodes in Eclipse
- ELIZA / Getting started with AIML
- embedded boards
- used, in robots / Getting started with popular embedded boards
- Arduino boards / An introduction to Arduino boards
- Raspberry Pi board / Introducing the Raspberry Pi
- Odroid board / The Odroid board
- encoders
- connecting, to robot / Connecting encoders to your robot
- end-to-end deep learning
- reference / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Energia
- about / The Tiva C Launchpad
- reference / The Tiva C Launchpad, Interfacing Tiva C Launchpad boards with ROS using Energia, Programming the Tiva C Launchpad
- Energia IDE
- reference / Flashing Chefbot firmware using Energia IDE
- used, for flashing Chefbot firmware / Flashing Chefbot firmware using Energia IDE
- evaluation boards / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) / Using robot localization to fuse sensor data in your robot
- face-tracking ROS package
- working with / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- Face Haar classifier / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- face tracker project
- overview / Overview of the project
- hardware requisites / Hardware and software prerequisites
- software requisites / Hardware and software prerequisites
- dependent ROS packages, installing / Installing dependent ROS packages
- usb_cam ROS package, installing / Installing the usb_cam ROS package
- ROS workspace, creating for dependencies / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- webcam, configuring on Ubuntu 16.04 / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- webcam, interfacing with ROS / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- Dynamixel servo, configuring with RoboPlus / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- Dynamixel, connecting to PC / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- Dynamixel, powering / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- USB-to-Dynamixel driver, setting up on PC / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- face_tracker_node, block diagram / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- face tracker code / Understanding the face tracker code
- CMakeLists.txt file / Understanding CMakeLists.txt
- track.yaml file / The track.yaml file
- launch files, in ROS / The launch files
- face tracker node, running / Running the face tracker node
- face_tracker_control package / The face_tracker_control package
- start_dynamixel launch file / The start_dynamixel launch file
- pan controller launch file / The pan controller launch file
- pan controller configuration file / The pan controller configuration file
- servo parameters configuration file / The servo parameters configuration file
- face tracker controller node / The face tracker controller node
- CMakeLists.txt, creating / Creating CMakeLists.txt
- face tracker control package, testing / Testing the face tracker control package
- launch file, viewing / Bringing all the nodes together
- bracket, fixing / Fixing the bracket and setting up the circuit
- circuit, setting up / Fixing the bracket and setting up the circuit
- final run / The final run
- face tracker ROS packages
- creating / Creating face tracker ROS packages
- face_tracker_node
- block diagram / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- FCL (Flexible Collision Library)
- reference / Collision checking in robot arm using MoveIt!
- field of view (FOV) / Camera
- fields, point cloud
- header / Understanding the PCL
- points / Understanding the PCL
- width / Understanding the PCL
- height / Understanding the PCL
- is_dense / Understanding the PCL
- sensor_origin_ / Understanding the PCL
- sensor_orientation_ / Understanding the PCL
- filtered messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- find_object_2d nodes
- executing, webcams used / Running find_object_2d nodes using webcams
- executing, depth sensors used / Running find_object_2d nodes using depth sensors
- find_object_2d package
- in ROS / The find_object_2d package in ROS
- reference / The find_object_2d package in ROS
- installing / Installing find_object_2d
- installing, from source code / Installing from source code
- find_object_2d nodes, executing webcams used / Running find_object_2d nodes using webcams
- find_object_2d nodes, executing, depth sensors used / Running find_object_2d nodes using depth sensors
- FireWire IEEE1394 cameras / FireWire IEEE1394 cameras
- first-in-first-out (FIFO) / The Arduino-IMU interfacing code
- flash memory / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- Flexible Collision Library (FCL) / Collision checking
- FOURCC format
- reference / Making your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- fovis
- installing / Installing fovis
- using, with Kinetic RGBD camera / Using fovis with the Kinect RGBD camera
- frames / The relationship between topics and frames
- Frames Per Second (FPS) / Making your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- frame transformations
- visualizing / Visualizing frame transformations
- FTDI chip
- reference / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- full automation / Levels of autonomy
- full evaluation boards / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- gamepad
- using / Using a joystick or a gamepad
- Gazebo
- odometry, creating / How Gazebo creates the odometry
- used, for creating odometry / Using Gazebo to create the odometry
- used, for simulating robotic arm / Simulating the robotic arm using Gazebo and ROS
- Robotic arm simulation model / The Robotic arm simulation model for Gazebo
- robot joints, moving with ROS controllers / Moving robot joints using ROS controllersin Gazebo
- differential wheeled robot, simulating / Simulating a differential wheeled robot in Gazebo
- laser scanner, adding / Adding the laser scanner to Gazebo
- mobile robot, moving / Moving the mobile robot in Gazebo
- perception, working with / Working with perception using MoveIt! and Gazebo
- pick action / Pick and place action in Gazebo and real Robot
- place action / Pick and place action in Gazebo and real Robot
- self-driving cars, simulating with sensors / Simulating a self-driving car with sensors in Gazebo
- interfacing / Working with the ROS-VR application and interfacing with Gazebo
- Gazebo model folder
- model files, adding / Adding model files to the Gazebo model folder
- Gazebo plugins
- about / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- creating / Creating a basic world plugin
- reference / Creating a basic world plugin
- GDB debugger
- using, with ROS nodes / Using the GDB debugger with ROS nodes
- general purpose input/output (GPIO) / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins / Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
- global costmap
- configuring / Configuring the global costmap
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- about / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- simulating, in Gazebo / Simulating GPS in Gazebo
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing GPS with ROS
- global_costmap / Configuring the costmaps - global_costmap and local_costmap
- gmapping node
- configuring / Configuring the gmapping node
- GPS system
- using / Using a GPS system
- messages, sending / How GPS sends messages
- example project, creating / Creating an example project to use GPS
- graph / Graph
- hand gestures
- used, for teleoperating / Teleoperating using hand gestures
- Hard kernel
- reference / Setting ROS on Odroid-C1 and RaspberryPi 2
- hardware components, face tracker project
- purchase link / Hardware and software prerequisites
- HDL-32E / Simulating the Velodyne LIDAR
- hector SLAM
- executing, robotic car used / Running hector SLAM using a robotic car
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM) / Deep learning for robotics
- high automation / Levels of autonomy
- Hokuyo
- reference / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- about / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- Hokuyo sensors
- reference / Interfacing laser scanners with ROS
- Hokuyo URG-04lx
- using / Using a laser rangefinder - HokuyoURG-04lx
- holonomic vehicle / Base local planner configuration
- homography, of images
- computing / Computing the homography of two images
- iBall Face2Face
- reference / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- IEEE 1394
- reference / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- IKFast / Kinematics
- IKFast CPP file
- generating, for IRB 6640 robot / Generating the IKFast CPP file for the IRB 6640 robot
- image
- visualizing / Image visualization, Visualizing a single image
- publishing, with ImageTransport / Publishing images with ImageTransport
- ImageNet
- reference / Deep learning for robotics
- ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)
- reference / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- image pipeline
- for stereo cameras / Image pipeline for stereo cameras
- image processing
- ROS package, creating / Step 1: Creating ROS package for the experiment
- source files, creating / Step 2: Creating source files
- code explanation / Step 3: Explanation of the code
- image recognition
- with ROS and TensorFlow / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- reference / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- ROS image recognition node, downloading / The ROS image recognition node
- ROS image recognition node, executing / Running the ROS image recognition node
- ImageTransport
- images, publishing / Publishing images with ImageTransport
- image_transport
- reference / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- Xsens MTi IMU / Xsens MTi IMU
- simulating, on Gazebo / Simulating IMU on Gazebo
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing IMUs with ROS
- references / Interfacing IMUs with ROS
- IMU data
- converting, into twist messages / Converting IMU data into twist messages
- visualizing, in Rviz / Visualizing IMU TF in Rviz
- Inception-v3
- reference / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- download link / Running the ROS image recognition node
- industrial robot
- URDF, creating / Creating URDF for an industrial robot
- MoveIt! configuration, creating / Creating MoveIt! configuration for an industrial robot
- MoveIt! configuration files, updating / Updating the MoveIt! configuration files
- MoveIt! configuration, testing / Testing the MoveIt! configuration
- Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) / Robot platform controlled by ROS and Arduino
- inertial measurement unit (IMU) / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
- about / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- reference / Setting up the project
- inter-process communication (IPC) / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- IRB 6640 robot
- IKFast CPP file, creating / Generating the IKFast CPP file for the IRB 6640 robot
- MoveIt! IKFast plugin, creating / Creating the MoveIt! IKFast plugin
- Iterative Closest Point (ICP) / Registration and matching
- Itseez
- reference / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) / Setting up Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 14.04.3
- Jibo
- about / Social robots
- joints
- types / Understanding robot modeling using URDF
- joint state publishers
- adding, in launch file / Adding joint state publishers in the launch file
- joint_state_publisher_js
- joint state publisher module, including / Including the joint state publisher module
- joint state publisher object, creating / Creating the joint state publisher object
- HTML division, creating for sliders / Creating an HTML division for sliders
- joystick
- using / Using a joystick or a gamepad
- joystick data
- used, for moving robot model / Using joystick data to move our robot model
- joy_node
- joystick movement, sending / How does joy_node send joystick movements?
- jQuery
- reference / Working of the project
- reference / rosbridge_suite
- kd-tree / Partitioning point clouds
- keyboard
- used, for teleoperating ROS Turtle / Teleoperating ROS Turtle using a keyboard
- keyboardteleopjs
- reference / Working of the project, Prerequisites
- about / Working of the project, Prerequisites
- Kinect RGBD camera
- fovis, using with / Using fovis with the Kinect RGBD camera
- Kinect sensor
- used, for viewing objects in 3D / Using the Kinect sensor to view objects in 3D
- Kinematic and Dynamics Library (KDL) / ROS packages for robot modeling
- kinematics / Kinematics
- Kinetic
- data, sending from sensors / How does Kinect send data from the sensors, and how do we see it?
- example, creating for / Creating an example to use Kinect
- Kinetic sensor
- used, for viewing objects in 3D / Using the Kinect sensor to view objects in 3D
- Kismet / Social robots
- Laser Imaging, Detection, and Ranging (LIDAR) / Creating a robot configuration
- Laser Measurement System (LMS) / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- laser node
- creating / Creating the laser node
- laser rangefinder
- using / Using a laser rangefinder - HokuyoURG-04lx
- data, sending in ROS / Understanding how the laser sends data in ROS
- laser scanners
- reference / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- simulating / Simulating a laser scanner
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing laser scanners with ROS
- launch file
- about / The launch file
- creating, for navigation stack / Creating a launch file for the navigation stack
- creating / Creating a launch file
- Launchpad boards
- reference / The Tiva C Launchpad
- Leap Motion
- about / Getting started with a VR headset and Leap Motion
- prerequisites / Project prerequisites
- working / Design and working of the project
- design / Design and working of the project
- Leap Motion controller
- references / Getting started with a VR headset and Leap Motion
- data, visualizing / Visualizing Leap Motion controller data
- ROS driver, installing / Installing the ROS driver for the Leap Motion controller
- used, for creating teleoperation node / Creating a teleoperation node using the Leap Motion controller
- Leap Motion data
- visualizing, in Rviz / Visualizing Leap Motion data in Rviz
- Leap Motion PC Driver/SDK / Design and working of the project
- Leap Motion ROS driver
- testing / Testing the Leap Motion ROS driver
- Leap Motion SDK
- reference / Project prerequisites
- installing, on Ubuntu 14.04.5 / Installing the Leap Motion SDK on Ubuntu 14.04.5
- download link / Installing the Leap Motion SDK on Ubuntu 14.04.5
- installation link / Installing the Leap Motion SDK on Ubuntu 14.04.5
- Leap Motion controller, data visualizing / Visualizing Leap Motion controller data
- Leap Motion visualizer tool, playing / Playing with the Leap Motion visualizer tool
- ROS driver, installing, for Leap Motion controller / Installing the ROS driver for the Leap Motion controller
- Leap Motion teleoperation
- integrating / Integrating ROS-VR application and Leap Motion teleoperation
- Leap Motion visualizer tool
- playing / Playing with the Leap Motion visualizer tool
- leap_client
- reference link / Visualizing Leap Motion data in Rviz
- LED blink demo
- executing, on Raspberry Pi board / Running the LED blink demo on Raspberry Pi and Odroid
- executing, on Odroid board / Running the LED blink demo on Raspberry Pi and Odroid
- libfovis
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- LibreCAD
- reference / The top plate
- libviso2
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- light-dependent resistor (LDR) / Monitoring light using Arduino and ROS
- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
- about / LIDAR and RADAR
- reference / LIDAR and RADAR, SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- Velodyne HDL-64 LIDAR / Velodyne HDL-64 LIDAR
- SICK LMS 5xx/1xx / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- Hokuyo LIDAR / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- Continental ARS 300 radar (ARS) / Continental ARS 300 radar (ARS)
- Delphi radar / Delphi radar
- Lightweight Communications and Marshalling (LCM)
- about / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- reference / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- reference / Installing ORK packages in ROS
- listener
- creating / Creating a listener
- local costmap
- configuring / Configuring the local costmap
- local_costmap / Configuring the costmaps - global_costmap and local_costmap
- logging messages
- about / Logging messages
- outputting / Outputting logging messages
- debug message level, setting / Setting the debug message level
- debugging level, configuring of node / Configuring the debugging level of a particular node
- low-cost IMU
- using / Using a low-cost IMU - 9 degrees of freedom
- low-cost LIDAR sensors
- Sweep LIDAR / Sweep LIDAR
- Low-cost VR headset
- reference / Project prerequisites
- map
- creating, with ROS / Creating a map with ROS
- saving, map_server used / Saving the map using map_server
- loading, map_server used / Loading the map using map_server
- map_server tool
- reference / Creating a map with ROS
- used, for saving map / Saving the map using map_server
- used, for loading map / Loading the map using map_server
- master / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level
- Robotics Toolbox, setting in / Setting Robotics Toolbox in MATLAB
- basic ROS functions / Basic ROS functions in MATLAB
- ROS robot, controlling from / Controlling a ROS robot from MATLAB
- MATLAB ADAS toolbox
- about / MATLAB ADAS toolbox
- reference / MATLAB ADAS toolbox
- MATLAB GUI application
- designing / Designing the MATLAB GUI application
- callbacks / Explaining callbacks
- running / Running the application
- mbed
- reference / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- about / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- references / Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed
- messages
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Messages, Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Messages
- naming / Giving names to messages
- conditional messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- filtered messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- displaying / Showing messages once, throttling, and other combinations
- inspecting, in bag file / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- metapackage manifests / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- metapackages / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Metapackages
- MicroStrain 3DM-GX2
- reference / Interfacing IMUs with ROS
- middle plate design / Middle plate and top plate design
- mjpegcanvasjs
- reference / Prerequisites
- about / Prerequisites
- MobileEye
- reference / Camera
- model plugin / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- mono cameras
- simulating, in Gazebo / Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo
- motion planning
- about / Motion planning
- with collisions / Motion planning with collisions
- with point clouds / Motion planning with point clouds
- motor
- interfacing, with Launchpad / Interfacing sensors and motors with the Launchpad
- motor clamp design / The motor, wheel, and motor clamp design
- motor RPM
- calculation / Calculation of motor RPM
- motor torque
- computing / Computing motor torque
- MoveIt!
- robotic arm, integrating in / Integrating an arm in MoveIt!
- used, for collision checking in robot arm / Collision checking in robot arm using MoveIt!
- collision object, adding / Adding a collision object in MoveIt!
- perception, working with / Working with perception using MoveIt! and Gazebo
- used, for grasping / Grasping using MoveIt!
- used, for working with place task / Working with robot pick and place task using MoveIt!
- used, for working with robot pick / Working with robot pick and place task using MoveIt!
- Grasp Table, creating / Creating Grasp Table and Grasp Object in MoveIt!
- Grasp Object , creating / Creating Grasp Table and Grasp Object in MoveIt!
- MoveIt! APIs
- used, for checking self collision / Checking self collision using MoveIt! APIs
- MoveIt! architecture
- about / The MoveIt! architecture
- reference / The MoveIt! architecture
- motion planning / Motion planning
- planning scene / The planning scene
- world geometry monitor / World geometry monitor
- kinematics / Kinematics
- collision checking / Collision checking
- MoveIt! C++ APIs
- used, for motion planning random path / Motion planning a random path using MoveIt! C++ APIs
- used, for motion planning custom path / Motion planning a custom path using MoveIt! C++ APIs
- MoveIt! IKFast plugin
- about / Understanding MoveIt! IKFast plugin, MoveIt! IK Fast
- creating, for ABB-IRB6640 robot / Creating the MoveIt! IKFast plugin for the ABB-IRB6640 robot
- developing, prerequisites / Prerequisites for developing the MoveIt!IKFast plugin
- OpenRave / OpenRave and IK Fast Module
- installing / Installing MoveIt! IKFast package
- OpenRave, installing on Ubuntu 14.04.3 / Installing OpenRave on Ubuntu 14.04.3
- MoveIt! integration
- into RViz / Integration into RViz
- into Gazebo / Integration into Gazebo or a real robotic arm
- into real robotic arm / Integration into Gazebo or a real robotic arm
- MoveIt! package
- generating, with Setup Assistant / Generating a MoveIt! package with the Setup Assistant
- move semantics / The PCL interface for ROS
- move_group C++ interface
- motion planning / Motion planning using the move_group C++ interface
- MPU-9250
- reference / Teleoperating using hand gestures
- interfacing, with Arduino / Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
- MPU series
- reference / Setting up the project
- msg file
- creating / Creating msg and srv files
- using / Using the new srv and msg files
- National Maritime Electronics Association (NMEA) / Using a GPS system
- navigation stack
- about / The navigation stack in ROS
- launch file, creating for / Creating a launch file for the navigation stack
- obstacles, avoiding / Avoiding obstacles
- goals, sending / Sending goals
- working with / Understanding RViz for working with the Navigation stack
- used, for obstacle avoidance / Obstacle avoidance using the Navigation stack
- goal, sending from ROS node / Sending a goal to the Navigation stack from a ROS node
- Navigation stack packages configuration / Configuring the Navigation stack packages, Common configuration (local_costmap) and (global_costmap), Configuring global costmap parameters, Configuring local costmap parameters, Configuring base local planner parameters, Configuring DWA local planner parameters, Configuring move_base node parameters
- nodelet manager / Step 7 - Building and running nodelets
- nodelets / Nodes and nodelets
- nodes
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Nodes and nodelets
- creating / Creating nodes
- building / Building the node
- attaching, to GDB on ROS launch / Attaching a node to GDB while launching ROS
- profiling, with valgrind on ROS launch / Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
- nodes diagnostics
- visualizing / Visualizing nodes diagnostics
- Nvidia
- reference / History of autonomous vehicles
- reference / History of autonomous vehicles
- about / History of autonomous vehicles
- reference / Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ångström / Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
- object
- adding, to planning scene / Adding objects to the planning scene
- removing, from planning scene / Removing objects from the planning scene
- detecting, from 3D meshes / Detecting and recognizing objects from 3D meshes
- recognizing, from 3D meshes / Detecting and recognizing objects from 3D meshes
- 3D models, used for training / Training using 3D models of an object
- 3D models, captured from training / Training from captured 3D models
- recognizing / Recognizing objects
- object detection / Getting started with object detection and recognition
- object recognition
- about / Getting started with object detection and recognition
- reference / Installing ORK packages in ROS
- Object Recognition Kitchen (ORK)
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- about / Introduction to 3D object recognition packages in ROS
- references / Introduction to 3D object recognition packages in ROS
- Occupancy Grid Map (OGM) / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz, Creating a map with ROS
- Occupany Map Updator plugin / Working with perception using MoveIt! and Gazebo
- OctoMap
- reference / Collision checking in robot arm using MoveIt!
- Octomap Updater / Motion planning with point clouds
- octree / Partitioning point clouds
- Oculus SDK
- reference / Troubleshooting the ROS-VR application
- odometry
- creating, Gazebo used / Using Gazebo to create the odometry
- creating / Creating our own odometry
- computing, from encoder ticks / Computing odometry from encoder ticks
- odometry information
- publishing / Publishing odometry information
- Odroid-C1
- OS image, installing / How to install an OS image to Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- Wiring Pi, installing / Installing Wiring Pi on Odroid-C1
- LED blink, running / Running LED blink in Odroid-C1
- button handling, running / Running button handling and LED blink in Odroid-C1
- LED blink / Running button handling and LED blink in Odroid-C1
- Odroid-ROS images
- download link / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- Odroid board
- about / The Odroid board
- reference / Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- ROS, executing / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- connecting, to PC / Connecting Raspberry Pi and Odroid to PC
- reference / Motion planning
- on-board computer / On-board computer
- OpenCV
- USB camera, making / Making your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- using, in ROS / OpenCV in ROS, Using OpenCV in ROS
- OpenCV 3.0
- installing / Installing OpenCV 3.0
- Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV)
- about / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- reference / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- Orbbec Astra Pro
- reference / OpenNI depth sensor
- ORK packages
- installing, in ROS / Installing ORK packages in ROS
- OS image
- installation, in Windows / Installation in Windows
- installation, in Linux / Installation in Linux
- Oxford Technical Solution (OxTS)
- references / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- about / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- package manifests / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- packages
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Packages
- creating / Creating a package
- parameters
- modifying, with rqt_reconfigure / Modifying parameters with rqt_reconfigure
- Parameter Server
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Parameter Server
- using / Using Parameter Server
- parking assistance system (PAS) / Ultrasonic sensors
- PCL interface
- for ROS / The PCL interface for ROS
- PCL program / My first PCL program
- PCLVisualizer / Visualizing point clouds
- Pepper
- about / Social robots
- reference / Social robots
- physical and collision properties
- adding, to URDF model / Adding physical and collision properties to a URDF model
- pick and place task
- about / The pick and place task
- planning scene / The planning scene
- target object to grasp / The target object to grasp
- support surface / The support surface
- perception / Perception
- grasping / Grasping
- pickup action / The pickup action
- place action / The place action
- demo mode / The demo mode
- simulation, in Gazebo / Simulation in Gazebo
- place task
- using / Working with robot pick and place task using MoveIt!
- planning scene
- objects, adding to / Adding objects to the planning scene
- objects, removing from / Removing objects from the planning scene
- pluginlib
- about / Understanding pluginlib
- used, for creating plugins for calculator / Creating plugins for the calculator application using pluginlib
- pluginlib_calculator package
- working with / Working with pluginlib_calculator package
- calculator_base header file, creating / Step 1 - Creating calculator_base header file
- calculator_plugins header file, creating / Step 2 - Creating calculator_plugins header file
- plugins, exporting with calculator_plugins.cpp / Step 3 - Exporting plugins using calculator_plugins.cpp
- plugin loader, implementing with calculator_loader.cpp / Step 4 - Implementing plugin loader using calculator_loader.cpp
- plugin description file, creating / Step 5 - Creating plugin description file: calculator_plugins.xml
- plugin, registering with ROS package system / Step 6 - Registering plugin with the ROS package system
- CMakeLists.txt file, editing / Step 7 - Editing the CMakeLists.txt file
- list of plugins, querying / Step 8: Querying the list of plugins in a package
- plugin loader, executing / Step 9 - Running the plugin loader
- plugins
- creating, for calculator application using pliginlib / Creating plugins for the calculator application using pluginlib
- point cloud library
- reference / Understanding ROS - PCL interfacing packages
- Point Cloud Library
- about / Understanding the PCL
- algorithms / Algorithms in PCL
- registration and matching technique / Registration and matching
- PointCloud Occupancy Map Updater / Working with perception using MoveIt! and Gazebo
- point clouds
- fields / Understanding the PCL
- types / Different point cloud types
- creating / Creating point clouds
- visualizing / Creating point clouds, Visualizing point clouds
- loading / Loading and saving point clouds to the disk
- saving, to disk / Loading and saving point clouds to the disk
- filtering / Filtering and downsampling
- downsampling / Filtering and downsampling
- partitioning / Partitioning point clouds
- segmentation / Segmentation
- Point Grey camera
- about / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- reference / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- Point Grey Firefly (PGF) / Camera
- pole / The pole and tube design
- POS LV modules from Applanix
- about / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- reference / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- pr2_controller_interface package
- about / pr2_controller_interface package
- initialization / Initialization of the controller
- ROS controller, starting / Starting the ROS controller
- ROS controller, updating / Updating ROS controller
- ROS controller, stopping / Stopping the controller
- pr2_mechanism packages
- about / Understanding pr2_mechanism packages
- pr2_controller_interface package / pr2_controller_interface package
- pr2_controller_manager / pr2_controller_manager
- prebuilt binaries
- android-sdk, installing from / Installing android-sdk from prebuilt binaries
- pulse width modulation (PWM) / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- push button / Arduino-ROS, example - blink LED and push button
- installing, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Installing PyAIML on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- working with / Playing with PyAIML
- PyAIML interpreter / The PyAIML interpreter
- Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) / Segmentation, Detecting and recognizing objects from 3D meshes
- Raspberry Pi
- reference / Setting ROS on Odroid-C1 and RaspberryPi 2
- Raspberry Pi 2
- reference / Setting ROS on Odroid-C1 and RaspberryPi 2
- OS image, installing / How to install an OS image to Odroid-C1 and Raspberry Pi 2
- Wiring Pi, installing / Installing Wiring Pi on Raspberry Pi 2
- LED blink, running / Running LED blink in Raspberry Pi 2
- Raspberry Pi 2 images
- download link / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- Raspberry Pi board
- about / Introducing the Raspberry Pi
- reference / How to choose a Raspberry Pi board for your robot
- selecting, for robot / How to choose a Raspberry Pi board for your robot
- ROS, executing / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- connecting, to PC / Connecting Raspberry Pi and Odroid to PC
- Razor
- data, sending in ROS / How does Razor send data in ROS?
- Razor IMU ROS library
- installing / Installing Razor IMU ROS library
- real-time joint controller
- package, creating / Step 1 – Creating controller package
- controller header file, creating / Step 2 – Creating controller header file
- source file, creating / Step 3 – Creating controller source file
- source file / Step 4 – Explanation of the controllersource file
- plugin description file, creating / Step 5 – Creating plugin description file
- package.xml, updating / Step 6 – Updating package.xml
- CMakeLists.txt, updating / Step 7 – Updating CMakeLists.txt
- building / Step 8 – Building controller
- configuration file, writing / Step 9 – Writing controller configuration file
- launch file, writing / Step 10 – Writing launch file for the controller
- executing, along with PR2 simulation in Gazebo / Step 11 – Running controller along with PR2 simulation in Gazebo
- Real Time Kinematics (RTK) mode / Using a GPS system
- region of interest (ROI) / Working with the face-tracking ROS package
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol / Parameter Server
- RGBD camera
- visual odometry, performing with / Performing visual odometry with an RGBD camera
- RoboEarth
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- RoboPlus
- reference / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- download link / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- robot
- encoders, connecting to / Connecting encoders to your robot
- specification / Robot specification and design overview
- design, overview / Robot specification and design overview
- motors, designing / Designing and selecting the motors and wheels for the robot
- wheels, designing / Designing and selecting the motors and wheels for the robot
- motors, selecting / Designing and selecting the motors and wheels for the robot
- wheels, selecting / Designing and selecting the motors and wheels for the robot
- motor torque, computing / Computing motor torque
- motor RPM, calculation / Calculation of motor RPM
- design values / Design summary
- hardware, designing / Designing and building actual robot hardware
- hardware, building / Designing and building actual robot hardware
- motor driver / Motor and motor driver
- motor / Motor and motor driver
- motor encoders / Motor encoders
- Tiva C Launchpad / Tiva C Launchpad
- ultrasonic sensor / Ultrasonic sensor
- MPU 6050 / Ultrasonic sensor
- OpenNI depth sensor / OpenNI depth sensor
- Intel NUC / Intel NUC
- sensor, interfacing with Launchpad / Interfacing sensors and motors with the Launchpad
- Tiva C Launchpad, programming / Programming the Tiva C Launchpad
- robot 3D model
- visualizing, in RViz / Visualizing the robot 3D model in RViz
- pan joints, interacting with / Interacting with pan and tilt joints
- tilt joints, interacting with / Interacting with pan and tilt joints
- robot arm specification
- about / Arm specification
- joint types / Type of joints
- robot body
- 3D models, building / Building 2D and 3D models of the robot body
- 2D models, building / Building 2D and 3D models of the robot body
- base plate / The base plate
- pole / The pole and tube design
- tube design / The pole and tube design
- motor / The motor, wheel, and motor clamp design
- motor clamp design / The motor, wheel, and motor clamp design
- wheel / The motor, wheel, and motor clamp design
- caster wheel design / The caster wheel design
- top plate design / Middle plate and top plate design, The top plate
- middle plate design / Middle plate and top plate design
- 3D modeling / 3D modeling of the robot
- robot configuration
- creating / Creating a robot configuration
- robot description
- robot arm specification / Arm specification
- robot hardware
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing robot hardware with ROS
- Chefbot ROS driver nodes, executing / Running Chefbot ROS driver nodes
- robot hardware interfacing
- Dynamixel ROS Servo controllers / Understanding Dynamixel ROS Servo controllers for robot hardware interfacing
- robotic arm, integration in MoveIt!
- about / Integrating an arm in MoveIt!
- packages / What's in the box?
- robotic arm simulation
- Xtion Pro, using / Simulating the robotic arm with Xtion Pro
- 3D sensor data, visualizing / Visualizing the 3D sensor data
- Robotic arm simulation model, for Gazebo
- about / The Robotic arm simulation model for Gazebo
- colors and textures, adding / Adding colors and textures to the Gazebo robot model
- transmission tags, adding / Adding transmission tags to actuate the model
- gazebo_ros_control plugin, adding / Adding the gazebo_ros_control plugin
- 3D vision sensor, adding / Adding a 3D vision sensor to Gazebo
- robotic car sensor data
- visualizing / Visualizing robotic car sensor data
- Robotics Toolbox
- setting, in MATLAB / Setting Robotics Toolbox in MATLAB
- reference / The Dynamixel Servos
- robot joints
- controlling, from web browser / Controlling robot joints from a web browser
- joint_state_publisher_js, installing / Installing joint_state_publisher_js
- web-based joint state publisher, executing / Running the web-based joint state publisher
- robot localization
- used, for fusing sensor data / Using robot localization to fuse sensor data in your robot
- robot model
- moving, joystick data used / Using joystick data to move our robot model
- creating, for differential drive mobile robot / Creating a robot model for the differential drive mobile robot
- simulating, in Gazebo / Simulating the robot model in Gazebo
- robot modeling
- ROS packages / ROS packages for robot modeling
- urdf package, using / Understanding robot modeling using URDF
- xacro, using / Understanding robot modeling using xacro
- properties, using / Using properties
- math expression, using / Using the math expression
- macros, using / Using macros
- Robot Operating System (ROS)
- Ubuntu repositories, configuring / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- source.list file setup / Setting up your source.list file
- keys setup / Setting up your keys
- installing / Installing ROS
- environment setup / Setting up the environment
- using, from Docker image / Using ROS from a Docker image
- navigation stack / The navigation stack in ROS
- map, creating / Creating a map with ROS
- PCL interface / The PCL interface for ROS
- Dynamixel, interfacing with / Interfacing Dynamixel with ROS
- Arduino boards, interfacing with / Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- used, for monitoring light / Monitoring light using Arduino and ROS
- serial server, executing on PC / Running ROS serial server on PC
- STM32 boards, interfacing mbed used / Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed
- Tiva C Launchpad boards, interfacing Energia used / Interfacing Tiva C Launchpad boards with ROS using Energia
- executing, on Raspberry Pi board / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- executing, on Odroid board / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- GPIO pins, controlling from / Controlling GPIO pins from ROS
- MPU-9250, interfacing with / Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
- find_object_2d package / The find_object_2d package in ROS
- 3D object recognition packages / Introduction to 3D object recognition packages in ROS
- ORK packages, installing / Installing ORK packages in ROS
- and TensorFlow, used for image recognition / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- reference / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- Velodyne sensors, interfacing / Interfacing Velodyne sensors with ROS
- laser scanners, interfacing / Interfacing laser scanners with ROS
- cameras, interfacing / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- DBW car, communicating / Communicating with DBW from ROS
- robot pick
- working with, MoveIt! used / Working with robot pick and place task using MoveIt!
- robot platform
- controlling, ROS used / Robot platform controlled by ROS and Arduino
- controlling, Arduino used / Robot platform controlled by ROS and Arduino
- robot stand alone launch file
- executing, with C++ nodes / Running robot stand alone launch file usingC++ nodes
- robot teleoperating project
- setting up / Setting up the project
- Arduino-IMU interfacing code / The Arduino-IMU interfacing code
- teleop tool, testing / Integration and final run
- used, for controlling robot platform / Robot platform controlled by ROS and Arduino
- OpenCV, using in / OpenCV in ROS, Using OpenCV in ROS
- used, for simulating robotic arm / Simulating the robotic arm using Gazebo and ROS
- Arduino Publisher and Subscriber example / ROS - Arduino Publisher and Subscriber example
- USB webcams, interfacing / Interfacing USB webcams in ROS
- Chefbot interface packages / Discussing Chefbot interface packageson ROS
- best practices / Best practices in ROS
- troubleshooting tips / Important troubleshooting tips in ROS
- reference / Usage of roswtf
- ROS-Android applications
- working with / Playing with ROS-Android applications
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting
- ROS-Android interface
- installing / Installing the ROS-Android interface
- used, for creating basic applications / Creating basic applications using the ROS-Android interface
- ROS-Industrial packages
- about / Understanding ROS-Industrial packages
- BSD / Understanding ROS-Industrial packages
- Apache 2.0 / Understanding ROS-Industrial packages
- goals / Goals of ROS-Industrial
- history / ROS-Industrial - a brief history
- benefits / Benefits of ROS-Industrial
- installing / Installing ROS-Industrial packages
- block diagram / Block diagram of ROS-Industrial packages
- ROS-Industrial robot
- support packages / Understanding the ROS-Industrial robot support packages
- driver package / ROS-Industrial robot driver package
- ROS-MATLAB interface
- about / Getting started with the ROS-MATLAB interface
- features / Getting started with the ROS-MATLAB interface
- ROS - OpenCV
- interfacing packages / Understanding ROS - OpenCV interfacing packages
- ROS-OpenCV interface / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- ROS - PCL interfacing packages
- about / Understanding ROS - PCL interfacing packages
- ROS perception, installing / Installing ROS perception
- ROS-VR Android application
- building / Building a ROS-VR Android application
- working / Working with the ROS-VR application and interfacing with Gazebo
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting the ROS-VR application
- integrating / Integrating ROS-VR application and Leap Motion teleoperation
- ros2djs
- reference / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- about / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- ros2djs APIs
- reference / Setting up rosbridge client libraries
- ros3djs
- reference / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- ros3djs APIs
- reference / Setting up rosbridge client libraries
- RosActivity / Getting started with Android and its ROS interface
- ROS Android camera application / The ROS Android camera application
- rosbag
- data, recording in bag file / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- rosbridge client libraries
- setting up / Setting up rosbridge client libraries
- rosbridge_server
- connecting / Connecting to rosbridge_server
- rosbridge_suite
- about / rosbridge_suite
- references / rosbridge_suite
- rosbridge_library / rosbridge_suite
- rosbridge_server / rosbridge_suite
- rosapi / rosbridge_suite
- installing / Installing rosbridge_suite
- ROS C++ coding style guide
- standard naming convention / Standard naming conventions used in ROS
- code license agreement / Code license agreement
- ROS code formatting / ROS code formatting
- ROS code documentation / ROS code documentation
- console output / Console output
- ROS camera calibration
- working with / Working with ROS camera calibration
- about / Converting images between ROS and OpenCV using cv_bridge
- image processing, using ROS and OpenCV / Image processing using ROS and OpenCV
- ROS camera drivers support / ROS camera drivers support
- ROS Cardboard
- reference / Building a ROS-VR Android application
- ROS Community level
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- distributions / Understanding the ROS Community level
- repositories / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Wiki / Understanding the ROS Community level
- bug ticket system / Understanding the ROS Community level
- mailing lists / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS answers / Understanding the ROS Community level
- blog / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Computation Graph level
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level
- nodes / Nodes and nodelets
- nodelets / Nodes and nodelets
- topics / Topics
- services / Services
- messages / Messages
- bags / Bags
- ROS master / The ROS master
- Parameter Server / Parameter Server
- rosconsole
- reference / Console output
- ROS controllers
- used, for moving robot joints / Moving robot joints using ROS controllersin Gazebo
- ros_control packages / Understanding the ros_control packages
- types / Different types of ROS controllers and hardware interfaces
- interacting, with Gazebo / How the ROS controller interacts with Gazebo
- joint state and joint position controllers, interfacing to arm / Interfacing joint state controllers and joint position controllers to the arm
- launching, in Gazebo / Launching the ROS controllers with Gazebo
- robot joints, moving / Moving the robot joints
- real-time joint controller, writing / Writing a basic real-time joint controller in ROS
- rosdep
- initializing / Initializing rosdep
- ROS Docker containers
- obtaining / Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
- using / Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
- ROS Docker images
- obtaining / Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
- using / Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
- ROS driver
- references / Interfacing IMUs with ROS
- installing, for Leap Motion controller / Installing the ROS driver for the Leap Motion controller
- Leap Motion ROS driver, testing / Testing the Leap Motion ROS driver
- ROS Dynamixel packages
- reference / Interfacing Dynamixel with ROS
- ROS dynamixel_motor packages
- installing / Installing the ROS dynamixel_motor packages
- ROS example
- on BeagleBone Black / Basic ROS example on the BeagleBone Black
- ROS Filesystem
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- workspace / The workspace
- packages / Packages
- metapackages / Metapackages
- messages / Messages
- services / Services
- ROS filesystem
- navigating through / Navigating through the ROS filesystem
- ROS Fuerte / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- ROS image pipeline / The ROS image pipeline
- ROS images / ROS images
- ROS Indigo
- reference / Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed, Project prerequisites
- rosinstall
- obtaining / Getting rosinstall
- ROS installation, in BeagleBone Black
- about / Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- local machine setup / Setting up the local machine and source.list file
- source.list file setup / Setting up the local machine and source.list file
- keys setup / Setting up your keys
- ROS packages, installing / Installing the ROS packages
- rosdep, initializing / Initializing rosdep for ROS
- environment setup / Setting up the environment in the BeagleBone Black
- rosinstall, obtaining / Getting rosinstall for BeagleBone Black
- ROS Jade
- reference / Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed
- RosJava
- reference / Getting started with Android and its ROS interface
- rosjava
- installing / Installing rosjava
- installing, from Ubuntu package manager / Installing from the Ubuntu package manager
- installing, from source code / Installing from source code
- ROS Kinetic
- reference / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories, Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed
- ROS web packages, setting up on / Setting up ROS web packages on ROS Kinetic
- tf2_web_republisher package, installing on / Installing tf2_web_republisher on ROS Kinetic
- roslibjs
- reference / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- about / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- roslibjs APIs
- reference / Setting up rosbridge client libraries
- ROS master / The ROS master
- ROS message
- listing / Listing ROS nodes, topics, and messages
- ROS metapackage
- creating / Creating an ROS package and metapackage
- ROS network
- initializing / Initializing a ROS network
- ROS nodelets
- about / Understanding ROS nodelets
- creating / Creating a nodelet
- package, creating / Step 1 - Creating a package for nodelet
- hello_world.cpp nodelet / Step 2 - Creating hello_world.cpp nodelet
- hello_world.cpp / Step 3 - Explanation of hello_world.cpp
- plugin description file, creating / Step 4 - Creating plugin description file
- export tag, adding in package.xml / Step 5 - Adding the export tag in package.xml
- CMakeLists.txt, editing / Step 6 - Editing CMakeLists.txt
- building / Step 7 - Building and running nodelets
- running / Step 7 - Building and running nodelets
- launch files, creating for nodelets / Step 8 - Creating launch files for nodelets
- ROS nodes
- working with / Playing with ROS nodes
- debugging / Debugging ROS nodes
- GDB debugger, using with / Using the GDB debugger with ROS nodes
- core dumps, enabling for / Enabling core dumps for ROS nodes
- creating, for data usage / Creating an ROS node to use data from the 9DoF sensor in our robot
- listing / Listing ROS nodes, topics, and messages
- ROS package
- creating / Creating an ROS package and metapackage
- building / Building an ROS package
- robot_model / ROS packages for robot modeling
- urdf / ROS packages for robot modeling
- creating, for robot description / Creating the ROS package for the robot description
- best practices / Best practices in the ROS package
- creating, for blink demo / Creating a ROS package for the blink demo
- ROS packages
- for Computer Vision tasks / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- ROS robot
- controlling, from MATLAB / Controlling a ROS robot from MATLAB
- ROS Serial
- about / Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- reference / Interfacing Arduino with ROS
- rosserial package
- installing, on Ubuntu 14.04/15.04 / Installing rosserial packages on Ubuntu 14.04/15.04
- ROS node APIs, in Arduino / Understanding ROS node APIs in Arduino
- ROS teleop node
- adding / Adding the ROS teleop node
- ROS topics
- listing / Listing ROS nodes, topics, and messages
- ROS Turtle
- teleoperating, keyboard used / Teleoperating ROS Turtle using a keyboard
- ROS twist message
- motor velocities, computing / Computing motor velocities from ROS twist message
- ROS version, for Ångström distribution
- installation link / Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
- ROS visualization tool (RViz)
- about / Understanding ROS visualization tool (RViz) and its plugins
- plugins / Understanding ROS visualization tool (RViz) and its plugins
- Displays panel / Displays panel
- RViz toolbar / RViz toolbar
- views / Views
- time panel / Time panel
- dockable panels / Dockable panels
- ROS web packages
- about / Getting started with ROS web packages
- rosbridge_suite / rosbridge_suite
- roslibjs / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- ros2djs / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- ros3djs / roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs
- tf2_web_republisher package / The tf2_web_republisher package
- setting up, on ROS Kinetic / Setting up ROS web packages on ROS Kinetic
- rosbridge_suite, installing / Installing rosbridge_suite
- rosbridge client libraries, setting up / Setting up rosbridge client libraries
- ROS web tools
- reference / Getting started with ROS web packages
- roswtf
- reference / Usage of roswtf
- ros_control packages
- about / Understanding ros_control packages
- reference / Understanding ros_control packages
- rotations per minute (RPM) / Calculation of motor RPM
- references / RPLIDAR
- rqt plugin
- using / Using the rqt_gui and rqt plugins
- rqt_console
- used, for modifying logging level / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the logging level on the fly
- rqt_graph
- used, for inspecting node's graph online / Inspecting the node's graph online with rqt_graph
- rqt_gui plugin
- using / Using the rqt_gui and rqt plugins
- rqt_image_view
- camera input images, visualizing / Visualizing the camera input images with rqt_image_view
- rqt_logger_level
- used, for modifying logging level / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the logging level on the fly
- rqt_plot
- time series plot, creating / Creating a time series plot with rqt_plot
- rqt_reconfigure
- parameters, modifying with / Modifying parameters with rqt_reconfigure
- rqt_rviz
- used, for visualizing data in 3D world / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz
- RT3000 v2 family
- reference / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- Rviz
- IMU TF, visualizing in / Visualizing IMU TF in Rviz
- Leap Motion data, visualizing / Visualizing Leap Motion data in Rviz
- RViz
- robot 3D model, visualizing / Visualizing the robot 3D model in RViz
- Navigation stack / Understanding RViz for working with the Navigation stack
- 2D Pose Estimate button / 2D Pose Estimate button
- particle cloud, visualizing / Visualizing the particle cloud
- 2D Nav Goal button / The 2D Nav Goal button
- static map, displaying / Displaying the static map
- robot footprint, displaying / Displaying the robot footprint
- global and local cost map, displaying / Displaying the global and local cost map
- local plan / Displaying the global plan, local plan, and planner plan
- planner plan / Displaying the global plan, local plan, and planner plan
- global plan / Displaying the global plan, local plan, and planner plan
- current goal / The current goal
- RViz plugin
- writing, for teleoperation / Writing a RViz plugin for teleoperation
- building, methodology / Methodology of building RViz plugin
- package, creating / Step 1 – Creating RViz plugin package
- header file, creating / Step 2 – Creating RViz plugin header file
- definition, creating / Step 3 – Creating RViz plugin definition
- description file, creating / Step 4 – Creating plugin description file
- export tags, adding in package.xml / Step 5 – Adding export tags in package.xml
- CMakeLists.txt, editing / Step 6 – Editing CMakeLists.txt
- loading / Step 7 – Building and loading plugins
- building / Step 7 – Building and loading plugins
- rviz setup, for navigation stack
- about / Setting up rviz for the navigation stack
- 2D pose estimate / The 2D pose estimate
- 2D nav goal / The 2D nav goal
- static map / The static map
- particle cloud / The particle cloud
- robot's footprint / The robot's footprint
- local costmap / The local costmap
- global costmap / The global costmap
- global plan / The global plan
- local plan / The local plan
- planner plan / The planner plan
- current goal / The current goal
- scalar data
- plotting / Plotting scalar data
- scikit-learn
- about / Introducing to scikit-learn
- reference / Introducing to scikit-learn
- installing, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Installing scikit-learn on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- SciPy
- reference / Introducing to scikit-learn
- sdc-live-trainer
- reference / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Secure Shell (SSH) / Connecting Raspberry Pi and Odroid to PC
- segmentation / Segmentation
- self-driving cars
- about / Getting started with self-driving cars
- autonomous vehicles, history / History of autonomous vehicles
- functional block diagram / Functional block diagram of a typical self-driving car
- GPS / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- IMU / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- wheel encoders / GPS, IMU, and wheel encoders
- camera / Camera
- ultrasonic sensors / Ultrasonic sensors
- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) / LIDAR and RADAR
- on-board computer / On-board computer
- software block diagram / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- Velodyne LIDAR, simulating / Simulating the Velodyne LIDAR
- Velodyne sensors, interfacing with ROS / Interfacing Velodyne sensors with ROS
- laser scanner, simulating / Simulating a laser scanner
- simulation code, explaining / Explaining the simulation code
- laser scanners, interfacing with ROS / Interfacing laser scanners with ROS
- stereo cameras, simulating in Gazebo / Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo
- mono cameras, simulating in Gazebo / Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo
- cameras, interfacing with ROS / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- GPS, simulating in Gazebo / Simulating GPS in Gazebo
- IMU, simulating on Gazebo / Simulating IMU on Gazebo
- IMU, interfacing with ROS / Interfacing IMUs with ROS
- ultrasonic sensor, simulating in Gazebo / Simulating an ultrasonic sensor in Gazebo
- low-cost LIDAR sensors / Low-cost LIDAR sensors
- simulating, with sensors in Gazebo / Simulating a self-driving car with sensors in Gazebo
- prerequisites, installing / Installing prerequisites
- robotic car sensor data, visualizing / Visualizing robotic car sensor data
- moving, in Gazebo / Moving a self-driving car in Gazebo
- hector SLAM executing, robotic car used / Running hector SLAM using a robotic car
- visualizing / Visualizing the self-driving car and sensor data
- Semantic Description Format (SDF) / Building a room in Gazebo
- sensor data
- visualizing / Visualizing the self-driving car and sensor data
- sensor information
- publishing / Publishing sensor information
- sensor plugin / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- sensors
- adding, Arduino used / Using Arduino to add sensors and actuators
- serial data
- sending, from LaunchPad to PC / Serial data sending protocol from LaunchPad to PC
- sending, from PC to LaunchPad / Serial data sending protocol from PC to Launchpad
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- services
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Services
- using / Learning how to use services
- servometer
- example, creating for / Creating an example to use the servomotor
- servomotors
- using / Using servomotors - Dynamixel
- session / Session
- Setup Assistant
- MoveIt! package, generating / Generating a MoveIt! package with the Setup Assistant
- seven DOF arm
- xacro model / Explaining the xacro model of sevenDOF arm
- viewing, in RViz / Viewing the seven DOF arm in RViz
- joint state publisher / Understanding joint state publisher
- robot state publisher / Understanding the robot state publisher
- seven DOF robot manipulator
- robot description, creating / Creating the robot description for a seven DOF robot manipulator
- shared objects (.so) / Understanding pluginlib
- reference / SICK LMS 5xx/1xx and Hokuyo LIDAR
- SICK lasers
- reference / Interfacing laser scanners with ROS
- simple motion planning
- about / Simple motion planning
- single goal, planning / Planning a single goal
- random target, planning / Planning a random target
- predefined group state, planning / Planning a predefined group state
- target motion, displaying / Displaying the target motion
- simulation, Chefbot
- mapping / Mapping and localization
- localization / Mapping and localization
- simulation code
- explaining / Explaining the simulation code
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) / Mapping and localization
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) / Registration and matching
- Siri-Like Chatbot project
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- PyAIML interpreter / The PyAIML interpreter
- PyAIML, installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Installing PyAIML on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- multiple AIML files, loading / Loading multiple AIML files
- AIML bot, creating in ROS / Creating an AIML bot in ROS
- AIML ROS package / The AIML ROS package
- ROS sound_play package, installing / Installing the ROS sound_play package
- reference / Configuring the gmapping node
- social robots
- about / Social robots
- Kismet / Social robots
- Jibo / Social robots
- Pepper / Social robots
- Buddy / Social robots
- building / Building social robots
- software block diagram, of self-driving cars
- sensor interface modules / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- perception modules / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- navigation modules / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- vehicle interface / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- user interface / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- global services / Software block diagram of self-driving cars
- software requisites, face tracker project
- download link / Hardware and software prerequisites
- sound_play package
- reference / Installing the ROS sound_play package
- installing / Installing the dependencies of sound_play, Installing the sound_play ROS package
- dependencies, installing / Installing the dependencies of sound_play
- ros_aiml package, creating / Creating the ros_aiml package
- aiml_server node / The aiml_server node
- AIML client node / The AIML client node
- aiml_tts client node / The aiml_tts client node
- AIML speech recognition node / The AIML speech recognition node
- start_chat.launch file / start_chat.launch
- start_tts_chat.launch file / start_tts_chat.launch
- start_speech_chat.launch file / start_speech_chat.launch
- source space / The workspace
- speech recognition system
- references / Deep learning for robotics
- speech_commands
- reference link / Prerequisites
- srv file
- creating / Creating msg and srv files
- using / Using the new srv and msg files
- steering model
- references / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- stereo calibration / Stereo calibration
- stereo camera
- visual odometry, performing with viso2 / Performing visual odometry with viso2 with a stereo camera
- simulating in Gazebo / Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo
- STM32 Discovery kits / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- STM32 Launchpad
- about / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- reference / The Tiva C Launchpad
- STM32 Nucleo boards / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- reference / Interfacing STM32 boards to ROS using mbed
- STMicroelectronics
- about / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- reference / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- about / Introduction to deep learning and its applications, Introducing to scikit-learn, Introducing to SVM and its application in robotics
- applications, in robotics / Introducing to SVM and its application in robotics
- SVM-ROS application, implementing / Implementing an SVM-ROS application
- SVM-ROS application
- implementing / Implementing an SVM-ROS application
- SVM Classification (SVC) object / Implementing an SVM-ROS application
- Sweep LIDAR
- reference / Sweep LIDAR
- about / Sweep LIDAR
- Sweep sensor ROS
- reference / Sweep LIDAR
- system
- inspecting / Inspecting the system
- system plugin / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- TCPROS / Topics
- teleop application / The teleop application
- teleoperating
- with hand gestures / Teleoperating using hand gestures
- with Android phone / Teleoperating using an Android phone
- teleoperation
- RViz plugin, writing / Writing a RViz plugin for teleoperation
- teleoperation node
- creating, Leap Motion controller used / Creating a teleoperation node using the Leap Motion controller
- TensorFlow
- about / Deep learning libraries, Getting started with TensorFlow
- reference / Deep learning libraries, Getting started with TensorFlow
- installing, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- URL, for Linux installation / Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- concepts / TensorFlow concepts
- graph / Graph
- session / Session
- variables / Variables
- output, fetching / Fetches
- feeding / Feeds
- code, writing / Writing our first code in TensorFlow
- and ROS, used for image recognition / Image recognition using ROS and TensorFlow
- Texas Instrument (TI) / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- Texas Instrument (TI) Launchpads / Getting started with STM32 and TI Launchpads
- text input
- creating / Creating text input
- tf2_web_republisher package
- about / The tf2_web_republisher package
- reference link / The tf2_web_republisher package
- installing, on ROS Kinetic / Installing tf2_web_republisher on ROS Kinetic
- Theano
- about / Deep learning libraries
- reference / Deep learning libraries
- time series plot
- creating, with rqt_plot / Creating a time series plot with rqt_plot
- Tiva C Launchpad
- about / The Tiva C Launchpad
- reference / The Tiva C Launchpad, Programming the Tiva C Launchpad
- topics
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Topics
- interacting with / Learning how to interact with topics
- and frames / The relationship between topics and frames
- inspecting, in bag file / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- top plate design / Middle plate and top plate design, The top plate
- Torch
- about / Deep learning libraries
- reference / Deep learning libraries
- transformation (TF) / Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
- transformation tree
- viewing / Watching the transformation tree
- Transform Frames (tf) software library / Creating transforms
- transforms
- creating / Creating transforms
- troubleshooting tips
- roswtf, using / Usage of roswtf
- about / Usage of roswtf
- TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) / The Dynamixel Servos
- tube design / The pole and tube design
- TurtleBot simulation
- working, in virtual reality (VR) / Working with TurtleBot simulation in VR
- twist messages
- IMU data, converting to / Converting IMU data into twist messages
- Ubuntu 14.04.3
- Eclipse IDE, setting up / Setting up Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 14.04.3
- Ubuntu 14.04.5
- Leap Motion SDK, installing / Installing the Leap Motion SDK on Ubuntu 14.04.5
- Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
- reference / Project prerequisites
- Ubuntu 15.10, OSBOXES
- reference / Downloading VirtualBox
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- TensorFlow, installing / Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- scikit-learn, installing / Installing scikit-learn on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- UbuntuARM
- reference / Prerequisites
- Ubuntu package manager
- rosjava, installing from / Installing from the Ubuntu package manager
- android-sdk, installing from / Installing android-sdk from the Ubuntu package manager
- Ubuntu repository
- reference / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- Udacity open source self-driving car project
- about / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- reference / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Xsens IMU / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Point Grey Blackfly cameras / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Two Velodyne VLP-16 LiDARs / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Delphi radar / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- 2016 Lincoln MKZ / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- Engine control unit (ECU) / Introducing the Udacity open source self-driving car project
- MATLAB ADAS toolbox / MATLAB ADAS toolbox
- UDPROS / Topics
- ultrasonic distance sensor
- about / Arduino-ROS, example - ultrasonic distance sensor
- used, for finding distance / Equations to find distance using the ultrasonic range sensor
- ultrasonic sensor
- about / Ultrasonic sensors
- simulating, in Gazebo / Simulating an ultrasonic sensor in Gazebo
- Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) / How to choose an Arduino board for your robot
- universal robotic arm
- ROS-Industrial packages, installing / Installing ROS-Industrial packages of universal robotic arm
- Moveit! configuration / Understanding the Moveit! configuration of a universal robotic arm
- Universal Robots
- reference / Installing ROS-Industrial packages of universal robotic arm
- universal robots
- ROS interface, installing / Installing the ROS interface of universal robots
- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) / How GPS sends messages
- xacro, converting / Conversion of xacro to URDF
- URDF client
- creating / Creating a URDF client
- URDF file
- describing / Explaining the URDF file
- URDF model
- creating / Creating our first URDF model
- physical and collision properties, adding / Adding physical and collision properties to a URDF model
- reference / Building the URDF model of Chefbot
- URDF model, of Chefbot
- 3D CAD parts, inserting as links / Inserting 3D CAD parts into URDF as links
- Gazebo controllers, inserting / Inserting Gazebo controllers into URDF
- urdf package
- using, in robot modeling / Understanding robot modeling using URDF
- URDF tag
- reference / Understanding robot modeling using URDF
- USB-to-Dynamixel
- reference / Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
- USB camera driver
- making, with OpenCV / Making your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- USB cameras / USB cameras
- USB web camera
- reference / Interfacing cameras with ROS
- USB webcams
- interfacing, in ROS / Interfacing USB webcams in ROS
- usb_cam
- reference / Working with the ROS-VR application and interfacing with Gazebo
- valgrind
- reference / Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
- variables / Variables
- Velodyne
- reference / Getting started with 3D object recognition
- Velodyne HDL-32E
- reference / Interfacing Velodyne sensors with ROS
- Velodyne LIDAR
- simulating / Simulating the Velodyne LIDAR
- Velodyne sensors
- reference / Velodyne HDL-64 LIDAR
- interfacing, with ROS / Interfacing Velodyne sensors with ROS
- Velodyne simulator
- reference / Simulating the Velodyne LIDAR
- Video4Linux (V4L) / Installing the usb_cam ROS package
- VirtualBox
- about / How to install VirtualBox and Ubuntu
- downloading / Downloading VirtualBox
- virtual machine
- creating / Creating the virtual machine
- virtual reality (VR)
- TurtleBot simulation, working / Working with TurtleBot simulation in VR
- vision-based robot control / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- vision_opencv metapackage
- cv_bridge package / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- image_geometry package / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- viso2 online demo
- running / Running the viso2 online demo
- visual odometry
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks, Visual odometry
- using, with viso2 / Using visual odometry with viso2
- performing, with RGBD camera / Performing visual odometry with an RGBD camera
- visual plugin / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- Visual Servoing Platform (ViSP)
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- reference / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- VLP-16 / Simulating the Velodyne LIDAR
- Voxel Grid Filter / Filtering and downsampling
- VR headset
- about / Getting started with a VR headset and Leap Motion
- prerequisites / Project prerequisites
- design / Design and working of the project
- working / Design and working of the project
- web-based joint state publisher
- executing / Running the web-based joint state publisher
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- prerequisites, installing / Installing prerequisites
- code, explaining / Explaining the code
- robot surveillance application, executing / Running the robot surveillance application
- web-based robot keyboard teleoperation
- teleoperating, on web browser / Teleoperating and visualizing a robot on a web browser
- visualizing, on web browser / Teleoperating and visualizing a robot on a web browser
- working / Working of the project
- rosbridge_server, connecting / Connecting to rosbridge_server
- initializing / Initializing the teleop
- 3D viewer, creating in web browser / Creating a 3D viewer inside a web browser
- TF client, creating / Creating a TF client
- URDF client, creating / Creating a URDF client
- text input, creating / Creating text input
- executing / Running the web teleop application
- web-based speech-controlled robot
- about / Web-based speech-controlled robot
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- speech recognition, enabling / Enabling speech recognition in the web application
- application, executing / Running a speech-controlled robot application
- web browser
- web-based robot keyboard teleoperation, teleoperating on / Teleoperating and visualizing a robot on a web browser
- web-based robot keyboard teleoperation, visualizing on / Teleoperating and visualizing a robot on a web browser
- robot joints, controlling from / Controlling robot joints from a web browser
- webcams
- used, for executing find_object_2d nodes / Running find_object_2d nodes using webcams
- WebSockets
- reference / rosbridge_suite
- web speech API specification
- reference / Enabling speech recognition in the web application
- web_video_server
- reference / Prerequisites
- about / Prerequisites
- wheel velocity
- controlling / Controlling the wheel velocity
- Willow Garage
- reference / The interface between ROS and OpenCV
- Win32DiskImager
- reference / Running ROS on Raspberry Pi and Odroid boards
- Wiring
- about / An introduction to Arduino boards, Tiva C Launchpad
- reference / An introduction to Arduino boards, Tiva C Launchpad
- workspace
- about / The workspace
- source space / The workspace
- build space / The workspace
- development space / The workspace
- creating / Creating our own workspace
- world plugin / Understanding the Gazebo plugins
- xacro
- used, for robot modeling / Understanding robot modeling using xacro
- simplify URDF / Understanding robot modeling using xacro
- programmability / Understanding robot modeling using xacro
- conversion, to URDF / Conversion of xacro to URDF
- xacro model, seven DOF arm
- constants, using / Using constants
- macros, using / Using macros
- xacro files, including / Including other xacro files
- meshes, using / Using meshes in the link
- robot gripper, working with / Working with the robot gripper
- viewing, in RViz / Viewing the seven DOF arm in RViz
- XML Macros (Xacro) format / Generating a MoveIt! package with the Setup Assistant
- Xsens MTi
- using / Using the IMU - Xsens MTi
- data, sending in ROS / How does Xsens send data in ROS?
- Xsens MTi IMU / Xsens MTi IMU
- Xtion Pro
- used, for simulating robotic arm / Simulating the robotic arm with Xtion Pro
- reference / Interfacing USB webcams in ROS
- Zhang calibration method
- reference / How to calibrate a camera