Cheat sheet
This cheat sheet summarizes the key points from this chapter:
- You can use a variety of tools to automate your AWS processes by using the AWS CLI, CloudFormation, and the CDK, depending on the use case.
- The AWS CLI is well suited for running creation tasks or for obtaining the status and information about your AWS infrastructure and services.
- CloudFormation is used to create stacks. Stacks are groups of AWS components that should be deployed together. They can be used to create a full application stack containing a VPC, security groups, EC2 servers, RDS databases, and almost all other AWS services.
- CloudFormation can offer deletion protection to stop someone from accidentally deleting a stack and its components.
- AWS Glue is used to create a metadata schema of a wide variety of data sources, such as CSV files within S3 or Amazon Redshift tables. It can also be used to create more complex ETL jobs by adding data transformation rules.
- AWS Glue supports...