Quorum is a permissioned decentralized platform that allows us to deploy DApps on top of it. DApps are created using one or more smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interface. In Quorum, smart contracts can be written in Solidity, LLL, or Serpent. Solidity is the preferred one. There can be multiple instances of a smart contract. Each instance is identified by a unique address, and you can deploy multiple DApps on the same Quorum network.
In Ethereum, there is an internal currency called ether. To deploy or execute smart contracts, you need to pay ether to the miners and as Quorum is a fork of Ethereum, the same thing exists here too. But in Quorum, ether is valueless and a fixed number of ether is generated at the genesis block, and...