To help you understand what is really happening inside a reactive program, we will write some toy programs to put things in proper context. From a software design point of view, if you keep concurrency/parallelism aside to focus on software interfaces, a reactive Program should have:
- An event source that implements IObservable<T>
- An event sink that implements IObserver<T>
- A mechanism to add subscribers to an event source
- When data appears at the source, subscribers will be notified
To kickstart, let us define Observer, Observable, and a CustomException class:
#pragma once //Common2.h struct CustomException /*:*public std::exception */ { const char * what() const throw () { return "C++ Exception"; } };
The CustomException class is just a placeholder to make the interface complete. Since we have decided that we will only use classic C++ in this chapter, we are not deviating from the std::exception class:
template<class T> class IEnumerator {
virtual bool HasMore() = 0;
virtual T next() = 0;
//--------- Omitted Virtual destructor for brevity
template <class T> class IEnumerable{
virtual IEnumerator<T> *GetEnumerator() = 0;
//---------- Omitted Virtual destructor for brevity
The Enumerable interface is used by the data source from which we can enumerate data and IEnuerator<T> will be used for iteration by the client.
template<class T> class IObserver
virtual void OnCompleted() = 0;
virtual void OnError(CustomException *exception) = 0;
virtual void OnNext(T value) = 0;
template<typename T>
class IObservable
virtual bool Subscribe(IObserver<T>& observer) = 0;
IObserver<T> is the interface that the data sink will use to receive notifications from the data source. The data source will implement the IObservable<T> interface.