Testing the baseline model
Here, we will look at the code snippet that performs the actual testing. We will be obtaining all the testing matrices that have been explained so far. We are going to test all the different ML algorithms so that we can compare the accuracy score.
Testing of Multinomial naive Bayes
You can see the testing result for the multinomial naive Bayes algorithm in the following figure:

Figure 5.9: Code snippet for testing multinomial naive Bayes algorithm
As you can see, using this algorithm we have achieved an accuracy score of 81.5%.
Testing of SVM with rbf kernel
You can see the testing result for SVM with the rbf kernel algorithm in the following figure:

Figure 5.10: Code snippet for testing SVM with rbf kernel
As you can see, we have performed a test on the testing dataset and obtained an accuracy of 65.4%.
Testing SVM with the linear kernel
You can see the testing result for SVM with the linear kernel algorithm in the following figure:

Figure 5.11: Code snippet for testing...