Digitizing photos with a Camera

Digitizing your precious family photos or artworks with a camera might not be a first thought to some, but, when done properly, it can produce outstanding results, even with an inexpensive compact camera or a smartphone. The easiest way to copy any document is to place it on a flat surface, access your smartphone's camera, line it up, and take the shot. You can do the same with a compact camera, or a DSLR, but if accuracy is required, you'll be aware that lining up the print, getting close enough, overshadowing and uneven lighting, and pop-up flash can all make a copy look amateur in its execution. Here are some tips on how to produce professional-looking copies:
- Always use a camera (or smartphone) stand. Shooting indoors, unless the location is brightly lit, produces slow shutter speeds and potentially camera shake. Supporting your camera/phone on a tripod produces much sharper results, regardless of shutter speed...