It Depends
I would love to provide a list of multiple-choice questions to decide on an architecture style just like all those "Which Personality Type Are You?" and "What Kind of Dog Are You?" tests that regularly swirl around social media. I'm the "Defender" personality type and if I were a dog, I would apparently be a Pit bull.
But it isn't as easy as that. My answer to the question of which architecture style to choose remains the professional consultant's "It depends...". It depends on the type of software to be built. It depends on the role of the domain code. It depends on the experience of the team. And finally, it depends on being comfortable with a decision.
I hope, however, that this book has provided some sparks to help with the architecture question. If you have a story to tell about architecture decisions, with or without hexagonal architecture, I'd love to hear about it.
You can drop me an email at [email protected]...