per month
Jun 2018
436 pages
1st Edition
Understand DL with Java by implementing real-world projects
Master implementations of various ANN models and build your own DL systems
Develop applications using NLP, image classification, RL, and GPU processing
Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. With the rise of deep learning, it has become a popular choice of tool among data scientists and machine learning experts.
Java Deep Learning Projects starts with an overview of deep learning concepts and then delves into advanced projects. You will see how to build several projects using different deep neural network architectures such as multilayer perceptrons, Deep Belief Networks, CNN, LSTM, and Factorization Machines.
You will get acquainted with popular deep and machine learning libraries for Java such as Deeplearning4j, Spark ML, and RankSys and you’ll be able to use their features to build and deploy projects on distributed computing environments.
You will then explore advanced domains such as transfer learning and deep reinforcement learning using the Java ecosystem, covering various real-world domains such as healthcare, NLP, image classification, and multimedia analytics with an easy-to-follow approach. Expert reviews and tips will follow every project to give you insights and hacks.
By the end of this book, you will have stepped up your expertise when it comes to deep learning in Java, taking it beyond theory and be able to build your own advanced deep learning systems.
If you are a data scientist, machine learning professional, or deep learning practitioner keen to expand your knowledge by delving into the practical aspects of deep learning with Java, then this book is what you need! Get ready to build advanced deep learning models to carry out complex numerical computations. Some basic understanding of machine learning concepts and a working knowledge of Java are required.
Master deep learning and neural network architectures
Build real-life applications covering image classification, object detection, online trading, transfer learning, and multimedia analytics using DL4J and open-source APIs
Train ML agents to learn from data using deep reinforcement learning
Use factorization machines for advanced movie recommendations
Train DL models on distributed GPUs for faster deep learning with Spark and DL4J
Ease your learning experience through 69 FAQs