In this part, we are going to study how to create a backdoor. The only difference is that we're going to set the IP to the public IP instead of the local IP, and we're going to create a backdoor exactly the same way that we used to create it when we were hacking devices in the same network. For this, we are going to use Veil-Evasion, and we are going to do the same steps used in Chapter 12, Client-Side Attacks. We can use the list command to see what options we have we are going to use number 9, it's the exact same payload that we used in our previous example in Chapter 12, Client-Side Attacks, the reverse_http payload. We're going to use command 9, and we can see the options by using the options command. As shown in the following screenshot, we can see that the LPORT is set to 8080 by default, and we will keep that the same:

The only thing...