Let's get up and running with Solr. At the time of writing of this book, the latest stable version of Solr was 7.1.0. This book focuses all its aspects on Apache Solr 7.1.0.
Getting up and running with Apache Solr requires the following prerequisites:
- Java 8 (mandatory)
- Cygwin (optional, recommended for Windows)
- curl (optional, recommended)
So, you will necessarily require JRE version 1.8 or higher for Solr to run. Go ahead! Open Command Prompt, type the following command, and check your Java version:
java -version
It should show the following output:

If your output is something different, it means Java is not properly installed and it needs to be installed properly. Also, the PATH variable should point to JRE 1.8. You can download Java from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html if needed.
Cygwin and curl utilities are...