I was randomly checking GitHub for automation scripts when I found this gem of a script. Minion is a plugin for Metasploit, and it can be very handy for quick exploitation and scans. The minion plugin for Metasploit can be downloaded from https://github.com/T-S-A/Minion.
Once you download the file, copy it to the ~/.msf4/plugins directory, and fire up msfconsole:

In the previous chapters, we saw how we can quickly load a plugin into Metasploit using the load command. Similarly, let's load the minion plugin using the load minion command, as shown in the preceding screenshot. Once loaded successfully, switch to the workspace you have been working on or perform a Nmap scan if there are no hosts in the workspace:

Because the db_nmap scan has populated a good number of results, let's see what minion options are enabled to be used:
