Running programs in python
A programming language is a set of syntactical rules to express instructions to the computer. These instructions are written in a computer program, a set of code that is stored in a static file in the file system of a computer.
In this section, you will make a simple program that prints the words Hello World!
 to the output. Completing this exercise will give you an introduction to the process of creating and running programs in Python.
Using text editors to write and manage programs
Like any other practice, programming requires a certain set of tools.
The first of these is the text editor. Text editors for programming are not like ordinary word processors, which will often apply formatting to text and sometimes force users to save with certain file extensions. Programs need to be saved in a raw format in order to run properly. This can be done with plain text editors such as Notepad in Windows and gedit in Linux; however, there are a few reasons to use a specialized...