DX Law #3: It's About Speaking the Language of Your Customers
Digital Transformation is about empathizing, ideating, validating, and quantifying the creators and inhibitors of customer value; it's about reinventing your business model to expand upon, exploit, and monetize those sources of customer value creation while eliminating the inhibitors of value creation.
Let's say that you are in the retail industry and looking to identify opportunities to combine digital technologies with customer usage insights (propensities) to eliminate barriers to customer value creation. That retailer would want to invest the time to empathize, ideate, validate, and quantify the sources and impediments of value creation for their customers. Figure 8.4 provides an example of how a retailer could reinvent the customer value creation process by emphasizing the sources and eliminating the inhibitors of value creation.

Figure 8.4: Traditional versus Digitally Transformed Customer...